10. Another chance

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Meanwhile, inside the shelter, the adults were holding a council.

"You've never used your powers for someone out of the tribe", Kerrybimble argued.

"That is not the point, Kerrybimble. I use my powers for those I think need it. And deserve it. Whether they belong to the tribe or not does not change that."

"I can understand how they must feel, with an injured member of their tribe", Leeko put in.

"And it must be terrifying to be waiting out there, not even knowing whether we'll help or send them back with empty hands..." Edinson agreed.

"What do you think, Grizabella?"

"Munkustrap is a protector of the tribe", Grizabella explained. "Everyone loves him very dearly and admires him deeply. He is to them what Leeko, or Anu, are for the Moonlit."

"That's none of our business", Kerry replied.

"They are the tribe who's rejected Griz", Anu said. "Why should we give them a second chance when they didn't give her one?"

"Please, don't let this be about me", Grizabella pleaded.

"But it is about you. You're the one who knows them best." Gemerald pointed out.

"Well... In that case, I suppose you had better ask Eriva. She's the blue-grey queen who came along. She's not a member of the tribe, really, though I think she has lived with them for the past week."

There was a mutter of confusion. Lady Felegrine silenced it with one hand and invited Grizabella to continue.

"Eriva was... Tricked by Macavity into working for him. The Jellicles saved her and welcomed her into the tribe."

"She worked for Macavity? And they forgave her, but they won't forgive you?" Anu cried out in disbelief.

"It's different, Anu. I chose to leave the tribe. For some of them, I turned my back on them, for my career. And now that that didn't work, I'm back, asking to be accepted in the tribe again. Some of them see it as... Opportunism. But it's really just some of them, and Munk... Well..."

Her voice faded away as she had to admit he, too, had rejected her.

"But he deserves to live. He is a just and loyal leader, and he is loved by the tribe... And he has his brother, and his mate..."

Lady Felegrine raised a hand and Grizabella fell silent.

"Thank you to all of you", she said.

This, they knew, was a signal. They all got up now, and left the shelter one after the other. Not one of them added a word.

Outside, nothing seemed to have changed. Tugger was entertaining the kittens, and Celestiara was sitting apart from the group, only now Eriva was sitting with her. Edinson went to join them as soon as he came out.

"So?" Tiara asked him the moment she saw him.

"I'm not sure. You know how Lady Felegrine is. It's hard to know with her."

They walked back over to Demeter and Mistoffelees, who gave Ed a hopeful look. He shrugged.

"I don't know. Grizabella sure did her best, but you never know what Lady Felegrine is really thinking."

He looked over to the shelter. Lady Felegrine hadn't come out yet and he knew she was pondering everything that had been said to her.

"Can it really be held against us that Grizabella... You know?" Demeter asked anxiously.

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