7. Misto awakes

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After several hours of waiting, Jenny finally came out of the den. Everyone looked up, and Tugger and Demeter were the first to get to her, soon followed by others. Eventually, Bombalurina jumped in and shouted "SILENCE!". They all calmed down at once, sheepishly looking at Jenny, eager for news.

"Mistoffelees will be all right", she told them. "Munkustrap... We don't know yet."

This sent mixed feelings through the crowd. But Jenny wasn't done yet. She scanned the crowd, clearly looking for someone.

"Where's that other one?" she muttered.

"Are you talking about Eriva?" Demeter's voice was cool and ringing, making it clear to everyone that Eriva was her protegee and no one was to disrespect her.

"I'm here", Eriva said quietly, sitting up. Demeter signaled for her to come over and she hesitantly crossed the crowd, who parted at her approach. Demeter warmly took her hand, as much to reassure her as to show the other cats that Eriva was to be welcomed. Jenny didn't add anything but led her into the den.

Inside, Jellylorum was bent over a still unconscious Munkustrap, with her back to Eriva. She didn't look up as the blue-grey cat came in. Jenny showed her to the spot where Mistoffelees was resting, then moved over to help Jellylorum. Eriva hesitantly sat down at Misto's side. The tuxedo cat turned his head her way. He was awake and gave her a weak smile. She felt immense relief surge through her.

"You're okay", she whispered, hesitant to believe it.

He took her hand and squeezed it softly.

"I am", he said. "Are you?"

She nodded, rubbing her paw against the scratches on her face.

"Demeter... Helped me with the wounds I couldn't reach."

Misto smiled softly.

"Demeter, huh? She seems to have taken a liking to you."

"She said she knew what I had been through."

"Oh yes, of course. That doesn't surprise me of her."

"What? That she'd say that?" Eriva tensed at the idea that Demeter had been lying to her as well.

"No, that she'd want to take care of you, since you've been through the same thing."

Eriva relaxed, and hesitantly lay down next to Mistoffelees. He moved over so as to make room for her to settle down, his face inches from hers.

"But, Eriva... What happened?"

Her voice caught in her throat and she had to try twice to get the words out.

"Please don't ask."

"I just... Need to understand why..."

Eriva sighed. She did owe him that, after all.

"I trusted him. I really did. I met him a few weeks ago and... I never told you about him because he asked me not to, he said it would be our secret. He said... Well, lots of things. And I... I believed him. He convinced me to run away from my human and come with him..."

Misto would never have thought to feel like that one day, but that was one sensible thing Macavity had done, and he even felt some sort of gratitude that the ginger cat had managed when he had failed. He said nothing and waited for Eriva to go on, not wanting to pressure her.

"I... I worked for him for some time... And then that other day you were there, and you were on the other side, and everything collapsed, and he turned against me and... Well. You saw..."

Heartbroken at the thought of the horrors she had been through, he rubbed his head against hers.

"I'm glad you're here now", he whispered. "And I'm glad you stayed."

"Where else could I go?" she whispered back, nuzzling against him.

Misto wrapped his arms around her again and she gave in to his embrace, relieved.

"It'll be okay now", he promised in a very soft voice. "I won't let you down."

Eriva hid her face into his chest and decided to believe him.

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