24. A member of my tribe

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Is it just me or is this chapter twice as long as the previous ones...?

Anyway. Two more chapters. Guys. Next Sunday will be the END OF THE FIRST BOOK AAAAAAAH

Munkustrap had never been a cat to rest. After Lady Felegrine had healed him, Demeter had been able to convince him to take it easy for a few days, but there was no sitting still for Munk. It had been a week and a half now, and everyone had been fully aware that he would be restless again by now. He had been patrolling the perimeter quite a lot, sometimes with a friend, often alone. They all knew he liked to keep busy, but these days, Demeter was beginning to suspect he was actually avoiding the junkyard... Or more precisely, avoiding one specific cat.

"Munk?" she called softly, coming up to him as he was sitting on a tire - he was in the junkyard for once, but it just so happened that the cat in question was out hunting with Misto. "Mind if I sit with you?"

He turned around and smiled at her, shaking his head no. He never minded his mate's presence. Although he sometimes wished she weren't as good at guessing what he had in mind. And by the look on her face, right now was going to be one of these moments.

She jumped on the tire and settled down next to him, nuzzling into his shoulder.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

"Yeah." He flashed her a reassuring smile. "Of course I am."

Demeter sighed and stared into his eyes. She knew him way too well and was fully aware something wasn't right.

"Please Munk, tell me the truth."

Her partner sighed in turn.

"It's just... Macavity."

Demeter flinched upon hearing the name.

"The ball is next week and he's bound to know it, he always has his ways... And he's been so much more... Active lately. I'm worried he'll be trying something."

He looked at Demeter, regretting his words already. He didn't want to worry the lovely queen. He knew she had had more than her share of Macavity's cruelty already. He comfortingly rubbed his head against hers.

"But don't worry", he purred. "The Moonlit will be there too. And we'll make sure everyone's safe even if Macavity does try something."

Demeter nodded wordlessly, then licked an injury on his shoulder which hadn't quite closed up yet. Munkustrap flinched.

"Sorry", she whispered. "Macavity definitely didn't go easy on you this time."

"Not like he ever does. He really wants me dead."

"How surprising is that, since you're this tribe's best protector?"

Munk smiled and rubbed his head against hers.

"Thanks, Demeter."

They sat in silence for a while. Demeter knew the look on his face. His thoughts were taking him very, very far away, and there was no guessing in advance what was getting into his mind. She would know soon enough.



"How's Eriva?"

Ha. Here we are, Demeter thought.

"She's adapting fairly well. She sticks to Misto a lot, I feel like she doesn't trust anyone else. Except maybe me. But it's obviously hard for her. I sometimes think she's always wondering where the next betrayal will come from. Or who."

"I meant... What is she like?"

"Very nice", Demeter smiled. "Extremely shy, always scared of bothering others. She doesn't go towards others much, she'll usually sit alone until someone joins her. She doesn't like being noticed, doesn't like being in the centre of the attention. She has a way of blending into the shadows to go unnoticed... But she also has a big heart. She did her part in convincing Lady Felegrine to save you although she had literally never spoken to you. She dove in the fight to help you and Misto against Macavity. She'd do anything for those she cares about."

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