14. Old Deuteronomy

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Finally, after a few minutes which felt like forever, Old Deuteronomy walked into the junkyard, escorted by a reverend Alonzo. All the Jellicles surrounded him in an explosion of joy and immense deference. Even Tugger bowed, his face expressing great love for his leader.

"Old Deuteronomy, what are you doing here?" some of the kittens called. Munkustrap silenced them with a look. Old Deuteronomy turned to Lady Felegrine.

"I sensed your presence here. I worried something might have happened."

Lady Felegrine bowed her head to him and he returned the salute. She then stood up, leaving Leeko, Ed and Tiara's side. The three Moonlit watched after her.

"I am honored that you think so highly of me, Deuteronomy. You were right. One of your tribe was injured, and they asked for my help."

"Yes, Alonzo has told me. I am grateful that you gave it." He anxiously looked around the junkyard, in search of Munk. He eventually found him, and though he had known him to be safe, relief appeared on his face. He held out a hand to Munk, who took it with immense reverence and affection.

"I am glad to see you are safe now, my son."

Munk bowed his head as a thanks for his concern.

With a large gesture of his arm, Old Deuteronomy invited the cats to return to their occupations. Most of them, however, preferred to sit around him, observing and listening to him with considerable affection. Lady Felegrine gestured towards the members of her tribe, who stepped forward and respectfully bowed their heads to Od Deuteronomy.

"Leekochlorus, Edinson and Celestiara are members of my own tribe", she said, introducing them one after another. Old Deuteronomy greeted them with a warm smile.

"And where is... This young queen you mentioned, Alonzo?"

"Eriva?" Misto asked.

"Yes... I do not see her."

Demeter immediately scanned the shadows, now used to Eriva's way of disappearing, but even she couldn't find her this time. She looked over to Misto, knowing that if one cat could find Eriva, it would be him. Misto's eyes eventually settled on the top of a pile of junk. He wordlessly left the group, and jumped up the junkpile. Sure enough, there was Eriva, lying flat on her stomach as though she really didn't want to be seen.

"Hey, you don't have to hide", Misto told her, lying down next to her. "Old Deuteronomy asked about you."

"I know. I heard. I just... I'm sorry."

She was shaking. Misto got a feeling that Munk's rejection had hurt her more than he had anticipated.

"Is it Munkustrap?" he asked softly.

"I... It's okay. I suppose I'll just leave. I don't want to get any of you in trouble."

"No you don't", Misto said sharply. "You know full well that neither I nor Demeter will let you. Not to mention the twins and Tugger. Bomba likes you as well, and so do Skimble, Jenny, Victoria... Want me to keep going?"

"But Munkustrap-"

"You think of Munk as an inaccessible leader", Misto observed. "He really isn't. He's kind, caring, protective to the tribe. For the moment, he sees you as a potential threat, but that's because he's missed out on the past week where we've all learned to consider you as a member of the tribe. He'll soften up soon enough, I promise."

"Do you really... See me as a member of the tribe?"

Misto rubbed his head against Eriva's.

"I do. Come on, you can't have Old Deuteronomy waiting."

Eriva nodded and got up, comforted following him off the junkpile. The crowd of cats parted as she advanced towards Old Deuteronomy, most of them following her with sympathetic looks. Apart from a few exceptions, most of them appreciated her. When she reached Old Deuteronomy, she respectfully bowed at him, and he held out an arm to her. She hesitantly took it and he pulled her closer.

"Welcome, dear child. I take it you have been living here for the past week?"

Eriva nodded timidly.

"Were you planning on staying with the tribe?"

She had a movement of retreat at this. This was much too early to make a decision, and all the cats were looking at her, eager for an answer. She suddenly felt crushed by the pressure of their looks. Demeter, Misto and the twins were looking at her with expectation and she knew they wanted to hear her say yes. But there was still Munkustrap, who despite all the respect he had for his leader couldn't quite hide his disapprobation... Quite unexpectedly, it was Tugger who came to her help.

"I think Eriva needs time to make an official decision, father." He then turned to her. "If it comes to me, you can stay as long as you need to. And if you choose to join the tribe for good, I'll be the first one to be delighted." He looked over to Misto with a mischievous smile. "Or... Maybe the second."

Mistoffelees looked away, embarrassed. Eriva decided to ignore this last comment and instead be grateful to him for allowing her to collect herself. She nodded at him.

"Thanks, Tugger. I..." She took a deep breath. "I'd love to stay. But I would hate to impose my presence on you."

Demeter shook her head, her face displaying a mixture of exasperation and fondness, and several other cats made signs that they didn't mind. Rumple looked like she was about to start bouncing up and down in joy. Misto looked at her with immense affection, crossed the crowd to join her and rubbed his head against her shoulder. She smiled at him, relieved. Old Deuteronomy nodded an agreement.

"You are welcome to stay if you wish to."

She thanked him with a grateful bow, then instinctively looked over to Munkustrap, who nodded at her. She could tell he still didn't fully trust her, but at least he accepted her. Misto pressed a paw to his chest and mouthed "Thank you" in Munk's direction. 

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