It's Okay To Cry

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The light cool breeze seemed to caress his skin as he stood on the balcony. The stars were extra bright tonight, with the full moon taking the spotlight. It was the definition of a picture perfect night, the soft snores of his lover just made it all the more special.

Calum leaned against the guard rail, ignoring the goosebumps the rose on his arms from the cool metal. He could hear the sounds of honking cars off in the distance, and some particularly loud moans coming from a couple doors down. He gazed at the stars, wondering which one was the one to grant his wish.

Could he really be this lucky, to have all his dreams come true? He had friends that accepted him, a boyfriend who loved him, and millions of fans that adored him. It was hard to believe that only a couple years ago he was still on the streets, running from the cops and digging in dumpsters for food.

His stomach grumbled at the memory of starving, of not eating a proper meal for days. He remembered the scams he used to play on people just to get by, to not die of total starvation. He also remembered the dangers of living on the street, you had to learn how to fight or be the one who dies in the next fight.

He shoved those memories to the back of his head, those were in the past and luckily his life wasn't like that anymore. He pushed off the railing with a sigh, closing the balcony door behind him and crawling between the sheets, pulling his loving boyfriend flush to his chest.


London, it was so far away from home, literally thousands of miles away. Luckily today was a day off, that meant no special appearances or shows today, just relaxation.

Luke cuddled closer into my side, his hair tickling the base of my neck. My arms were tight around his waist, and I placed a kiss on the top of his head. It was so easy to forget when he was around, and I fear that the day that he's gone will be the day that I'll be declared insane.

August 8th, it is such an ordinary day, but also the day that I despise the most. Too many wrongs were on this day and tears threatened to fall down my cheeks the more I thought about this day.

"It's okay to cry Calum."

I shook my head, willing my eyes to not let the tears fall. "No, I won't." Luke let out a sigh and nodded, giving my hand a tight squeeze in the process. He knew me well enough to know that it will be a cold day in hell before I show any emotions that concern myself.

We finished watching the movie and later on in the day Michael and Ashton came over bringing a box of pizza with them. A soft smile tugged on my lips as I thought about how good my friends were, how much they actually care about me.

I stood up from the table once I finished, placing my cup and dish in the sink. I grabbed the car keys off the hook and a light jacket to keep me warm.

"Where are you going?" Luke asked, stepping in my way.

"I'm gonna go buy some flowers, lilies were my mom and sister's favorite." I looked down as I remembered how happy they would both get on Valentine's Day when my dad would bring them both a bouquet of lilies.

"Do you want me to go with you?" I turned down his offer with a shake of my head. "Please take a body guard with you then, I don't want you to be mobbed."

"Alright." I called one of the security guards, telling him to be ready in five and to meet me in the lobby. "I'll be back soon." I pressed my lips against Luke's, embracing this simple moment that allowed me to forget everything. All too soon I pulled back, both of us panting out of breath.

I grabbed my black Ray Bans, phone and room key before heading out the door. I tapped my foot to a random beat, letting out a sigh as I waited for the damn elevator. It was probably two minutes later before it finally arrived. I entered the elevator and winced as I saw my appearance.

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