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A wave of dizziness crashed over the brunette making him stumble a little. He used the cold tiled bathroom wall to catch himself before he could completely fall over. He closed his eyes, breathing in deeply to try and clear his head a little. After several deep breaths he opened his eyes and splashed some cold water on his face, wincing when he saw his reflection.

Dark circles outlined his eyes, so dark and prominent that it looked like he was wearing guy liner. His naturally tan skin looked paler than usual and his cheeks were a little too hollow. "Fuck, I'm pretty sure the Walking Dead is missing a zombie." He muttered, lightly tracing the bags that hung under his eyes with his fingertips.

The brutal conditions of touring had taken its toll on the whole band. Already five weeks into the tour and everyone was behind on their sleeping schedule. Four to six uncomfortable hours of sleep barely kept the other boys moving, just enough for them to do a couple interviews, photo shoots and a concert. But he didn't have the luxury of sleeping four hours, he was lucky if he got two hours throughout the whole week. Insomnia was a bitch and he never hated it as much as he does now.

He would lay down and close his eyes, begging for the sweet escape called sleep but it would hardly ever come. The beds or chairs were too uncomfortable, always too hard and too small. Everything was unfamiliar which made him feel paranoid, always standing up to check if there was something in the closet, under the bed, in the bathtub, etc. When he was able to get sleep, he would only be out for two hours max before something eventually woke him up. Add in the jet lag, the concerts and everything else, his body was more than ready to shut down.

The door swung open and Luke strolled in, letting out a cute yawn. "Hey, make up is calling for you." Luke looked down at the tired expression on the smaller boy and frowned. "When was the last time you slept?" He asked worriedly.

Calum thought about it for a second, "Three days ago?" Luke gently nudged Calum's chin, frowning as he got a better look at the smaller boy. Calum removed himself from the grip, mustering up a small smile. "Don't worry, I'll take a pill tonight."

Luke shook his head, "It's not healthy to be taking pills that don't even work."

"Well then what am I supposed to do?" Calum huffed, irritated at the behemoth in front of him.

A mischievous smirk tugged at those thin pink lips, "I could just fuck you for hours until your body has no choice but to shut down and recover." A dark shade of pink crept up his neck, dusting those prominent cheek bones. He closed his eyes, his breath hitching as he felt a warm breath fan over his ear. "Wouldn't you like that? I bet you would love to be fucked into tomorrow."

"W-Wha-Huh?" Calum stuttered, opening his eyes to see icy blue eyes piercing into his own. Large hands pawed at him, shamelessly grabbing his ass to pull him flush to that broad and firm chest. His head spun, but in a good way this time. The delicious scent and cologne that clung to the blonde infiltrated his senses making him weak at the knees.

Luke grinned, tightening his hold on the pretty brunette. "Can't you imagine it Cal? All the fun we can have tonight? Imagine being fucked against the wall, bent over the table, on the couch, on your hands and knees, the shower wall and if you're a good boy we'd even do it in the bathtub."

"I-I'll be a g-good boy, I s-swear!" Calum stuttered out, entirely too turned on by the images that filtered through his mind.

Luke brushed his lips against those soft red ones. Once, twice before deepening it, taking more and more of the brunette while giving just as much. When he pulled back they both panted for their breaths. "I know you'll be a good boy. After this show tonight I'll treat you so well Cal, I'll give you so much pleasure that your body will have to shut down to replenish its energy." Calum buried his face in his boyfriend's neck, placing open mouth kisses on the pulse point. "Come on love, we have a show in an hour and you need to head to wardrobe."

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