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Warning: Easily triggered people don't read.

His knees were curled up to his chest, his gaze fixed on the cold white walls as David took his anger out on him. He felt so numb, he couldn't feel the pain every time those leather shoes came in contact with his ribs or feel the hurt as those words were yelled at him.

It was like there was a switch in his brain that turned everything off. It should've scared the crap out of him but instead, he cherished these moments where he felt absolutely nothing. It was probably the closest to happiness he'll ever get to.

"Get out of my sight, you little fag." David spat and marched his way up the marble staircase.

He got off the floor, stumbling a little as a wave of dizziness crashed over him. He should be used to the beatings, it's been two years since he's come out to his parents and two years of being the family's punching bag.

He climbed the three sets of stairs and locked the door to his bedroom. Kicking off his shoes, he pulled the covers back and plopped down on the soft bed. As his eyes shut close and the darkness took over, he hoped that maybe tonight, he'll never wake up again.


Disappointment, that was the first thing he felt as his eyes fluttered open. He sat up and almost fell down again as pain erupted in his sides. His jaw clenched and his nostrils flared as he tried to hold back any sounds of pain.

Once he got his breathing under control, he slowly trudged to his bathroom, turning the shower to steaming hot. As he stripped, his eyes traveled down his torso to the newly formed bruises. They varied from shades of blue and yellow, all of them around the size of his fist.

He scrubbed his body until it was a light shade of pink, trying to scrub the disgustingness off of himself. The wounds on his arms made him scrub harder, they were just another reminder of how pathetic he was.

The drive to school was short and soon he was pulling up in the school's parking lot. He got out of his Mustang, slinging his backpack over his shoulder and flinching when pain erupted in his side.

"Calum!" He plastered on that fake smile that fooled everyone and turned around to his 'friends'. "You ready for the game on Friday?"

"Hell yeah! We're gonna kick their asses!" Everyone crowded around him as they made their way to school, all of them trying to capture his attention. He rolled his eyes and bit his tongue as they entered the school, holding back the urge to just yell 'fuck off!'

The day passed by pretty slowly and he was thanking every god out there as he sat at the back of his last class. His pencil flew across the page as he wrote down everything the teacher said. He had to be at the top of the class, be the perfect student to keep the family's reputation up. Shudders made its way down his spine as he thought about what would happen if he started slacking.

The teacher gave them the last five minutes to themselves and he took this time to stretch his hand out. His eyes scanned the rest of the students before falling on a tall blonde.

Luke Hemmings, the emo of the school. The boy who wore black and long sleeves every single day. He was an outcast but that didn't stop the girls from chasing after the blonde. The baby blue eyes, sharp jawline with rough stubble, lip ring and mile high quiff made every single girl fall to their knees.

Almost every single guy in the school hated Luke and made his life hell out of their own jealousy. Calum was probably the only person who never even called the blonde a name, mostly because he had just the slightest crush on the younger boy. Give up Calum, even Luke wouldn't stoop that low. Luke turned around and Calum quickly averted his gaze somewhere else, his heart pounding in his chest from almost getting caught at staring. Dumbass!

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