The Dare

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"I dare you to ask Loser Luke out. For every six months, we'll give you fifty bucks." His teammates were grinning from ear to ear, knowing that Calum would never back down from a dare, especially when they're all drunk.

Calum smirked, "Deal."


"C'mon Luke, hurry up! We're gonna be late!" Cam screamed, extremely annoyed now.

He took one last look in the mirror, liking the way his hair was set in a perfect quiff and was leaning just a fraction of an inch to the right. "We have two hours!" He exited the bathroom and found his best friend glaring menacingly at him. "What? Is my hair messed up?" He brought his hand up to his hair, checking if there were any flaws.

"It's fine! I swear to god you spend more time in the bathroom than me, and I'm the girl!" Cam picked her keys up from the coffee table, storming to the car. He followed behind her, locking the front door and got into the car extra slowly just to piss Cam off even more. "Get your ass in the car now!"

"So why are you dragging me instead of your sister to this concert?" He asked for the billionth time. He really didn't want to see 5 Seconds Of Suckers or something like that.

Cam rolled her eyes, agitation clear in her voice. "I told you already that she was busy with her boyfriend." He decided to keep his mouth shut, he wasn't stupid, he knew that the tone she was using meant to shut the hell up and stay quiet.

The whole car ride was tense, with Cam drumming her fingers against the steering wheel and Luke sighing while looking out the window. He had tuned out every single time she mentioned this band, so now he didn't even have a clue on who he was going to see tonight. It didn't really matter anyways, he intended to listen to Good Charlotte and the Foo Fighters throughout the concert to make the night go just a little bit faster.

When they got to the arena, Cam let out a strand of profanities when she saw how packed the parking lot was. Luckily enough, they found a good spot and only had to walk a little bit to get to the elevators. "Level 4, remember that Luke."

He rolled his eyes, "I already did, I don't really want to walk through the whole parking lot to find what level we parked on."

"Save that sass for one of your groupies, I really want to enjoy tonight." She gave him the puppy eyes and he felt guilty. He nodded in reply, kicking the elevator floor lightly and ignoring the advertisements that replaced elevator music.

Getting into the arena was a little scarier than he thought. He was eyed up like a piece of meat by girls and woman of all ages, and he swore someone copped a feel while he was walking. He felt like an outcast, at six foot four and the only male in line to get into the arena, he was getting all the stares. His clothes didn't really help either, he was wearing black skinny jeans with a white shirt and a black flannel thrown on top.

The tickets that Liv bought were extremely good, they were six seats from the stage and it was smack dab in the center. He sat down on the metal chair, watching as some of the crew members did some last minute checks and everything. The stage set up was pretty cool he had to admit. A big sign of the band's abbreviation was on the side, and there was just props everywhere painted red and black.

"Only half an hour until the show starts!" Cam squealed into his ear making him flinch. The arena was already full, and it was deafening already with the amount of chatter that seemed to echo off the walls.

He nodded, uninterested. "Uhuh, you know I'm still going to listen to The Anthem right?"

Cam shrugged, "Yeah, but you came so who cares?"

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