Trophy Son

634 27 9

Age 8

Calum cowered into the corner of his room, tightly hugging his knees to his chest. Big fat tears rolled down his chubby cheeks as he tried to ignore the screaming.

"-your husband! Give that brat away, drop him off at school and never pick him up again!" Calum whimpered as he picked up the last part. Surely his mother wouldn't agree with this, would she?

"That's our son David!" Joy yelled and a slap echoed through the whole house. There was a moment of silence before the yelling really began.

Calum covered his ears with his hands, humming American Idiot by Green Day to try and block out the screaming happening in the kitchen. His eyes snapped open when he heard his door being flung open. His father stalked towards him and roughly grabbed his chin. "Why are you crying? Huh boy? Life would be so much easier if you were never born! Why can't you be more like your sisters?"

Calum squirmed, trying to get out of his father's grip, not even recognizing he said 'sisters' as in plural. "Let me go! Please, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

David was roughly pushed away and Joy stood there with a frying pan in her hand. "Get your hands off my son!" David sneered at both of them before exiting the small house, slamming the door shut.

When the sound of the car engine could no longer be heard, Joy let out a sigh of relief. "I'm so sorry baby." She said as she inspected the bruise forming on her son's face.

"Mommy, your face is starting to turn purple." Calum gently touched her cheek, frowning as he knew that a nasty bruise will form later on.

"It's okay baby, let's just take care of your booboos first." Calum nodded and shakily stood up, using the wall to support himself.


As the moonlight filtered through his curtains, Calum wondered what was wrong with him. His father hated him, despised him with every fiber of his being and that hurt, more than he actually let on.

Calum cuddled further into his blankets, rubbing his eyes to stop crying. He couldn't sleep, his chin hurt and he was scared of his father coming inside his room to finish what he started earlier.

His heart stuttered as he heard the front door open and was slammed shut. "Where have you been?!" He heard his mother scream.

"I'm done! I'm so done with you, this family, and especially that bastard!" Calum sat up in his bed, bringing the blankets closer as if it would bring him protection.

He listened as his parents went at it again, yelling and throwing things at each other. He was tempted to run into Mali's room but the fear of getting caught won.

"Get rid of that boy and I'll stay! He's a fucking failure! Should've had an abortion!" More things were thrown and he let out a whimper, more tears starting to roll down his cheeks.

"-fucking affair! She still going to welcome you?" Calum didn't know what 'affair' meant, but he guessed it was something bad from the way his mother yelled it.

He could hear the footsteps getting closer and he brought the blankets even closer to himself.

"Bye Mali, I really do love you sweetheart, have a good life."

The door swung open and Calum shivered at the hatred sent his way. "You're such a disappointment, thank god my other boys aren't like you. Even both of the girls are better than you, you're really messed up. Rot in hell you little piece of shit." With that his father, no, David left and never looked back.


Age 19

Calum looked in shock at the young girl in the crowd. She was an exact replica of David, right down to the same brown eyes that he himself had. Luke was speaking at the moment so her attention was of course on Luke, so this gave him the perfect chance to inspect the girl.

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