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AN: Bottom!Calum and no self-harm.

The extra skin hanging over the tight waistband was another mark of why Calum can never be good enough for Luke. Like deserved to have a top of the line supermodel yet he was stuck with a somewhat talented, overweight band mate. Calum knew that Luke was too nice, that the man wasn't cruel enough to dump him for the extra weight, but Calum also knew that Luke wanted to move on to something better.

He sucked in a deep breath, hoping that this ancient technique would do the trick. He wasn't naive, he knew that it wouldn't make much of a difference yet he hoped that the reflection would be enough to soothe the self-hatred thoughts. His stomach drew in and he could see almost all his ribs. It was satisfying to see those results, but as his eyes slowly moved down his own reflection, the satisfaction was replaced with something more bitter.  His eyes narrowed at the base of his stomach, just above the extremely tight denim, where there was still some skin poking out.

It bothered him to no end but he couldn't do anything about it right now. "Diet, you're going on a fucking diet and exercise a shit load more Hood," he mutters to himself. Sighing seemed like a great idea at this point but he's already let more than enough slip through today.

Pulling a shirt over his head, he tried to ignore the satisfaction of the flab not being noticeable through the shirt. If he keeps up his unhealthy diet then it will show and he doesn't want to know how much of a mess he will be then.


Calum gnawed on his lower lip, praying to God that he didn't end up breaking the legs he's sitting on. Luke shifted a little beneath him, fixated on beating Michael in the latest FIFA game.

Luke threw his arms in the air, almost throwing Calum off his lap. "Fuck yeah! Kiss my ass Clifford!" Luke shouted, grinning at the scowling red head before turning his attention to the pretty brunette in his lap. "Thanks my lucky charm."

Calum rolled his eyes, a small grin splitting his lips as he hopped off his boyfriend's lap. "You're such a sap."

Luke grinned back, before sighing dramatically. "Ahh, finally blood to my legs!" The grin left Calum's face in a flash, and he immediately made his way out of the room, barely concealing the hurt in his eyes.

Luke rushed after him, calling worriedly, "Calum? Hey babe, stop!" A giant hand landed on his shoulder, turning him around that he almost smacked into a broad chest.

"Don't touch me!" He growled, scowling at the blonde through glassy eyes.

Luke softened, concern shining bright in his eyes. "Hey, please don't be mad at me."

He scoffed, "It's a little too late for that Lucas." The damage was already done. He already felt like an overweight piece of shit but now he feels  like a fucking whale piece of shit. The thing that has been keeping him up at night was finally mentioned and he felt ashamed of his pudgy body.

"Please baby, tell me what's going on." Luke begged, hands clasping around his. He looked down at their hands, noticing how Luke's was practically skins and bones while his were meatier, fatter. Luke scanned his face, reading every emotion like he was a damn book. "It's the weight thing, isn't it?" He kept his jaw locked, not giving any information.

Luke sighed, hurt dulling the bright blue eyes. "I-I thought you had a weight insecurity, that's why I've been trying to be extra handsy, to prove that I love you any way. It just hurts that you haven't even talked to me about this since clearly it's something that's bothering you."

He hesitated, opening and closing his mouth as he thought of ways to get the wording just right. "It's stupid, it no big deal and it isn't worth your attention," just like me. He kept that last bit to himself, knowing that that'll only hurt his boyfriend more.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2015 ⏰

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