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Warning: Swearing and Top!Cal because there's a smut scene.

He smashed his lips against Luke's, desperately savoring every moment. He could feel the depth of Hell calling for him, the enraged shouts coming from Lucifer. They broke apart, gasping for their breaths. "Calum!" He shivered, his knees begging to collapse beneath him, to bend over in submission for his master.

"Go Luke, you have to go." Calum choked out, trying to push the blonde angel away from himself.

Luke shook his head, trying to stop the tears from rolling down his cheeks. "No, I won't leave you. You don't belong in hell, you're not even a demon anymore!"

"I'm not an angel either." A strangled cry escaped his throat as complete agony washed over his entire body. "L-Leave, he's close and I don't want him a-anywhere near you. I love you. Go Luke. Go!"

"I-I can't, I love you I'm not going to leave you!" Luke softly ran his fingers over Calum's cheeks, wiping the tears away. Strong arms wrapped around Luke's body, pulling him away from the former demon. "Let me go! Let me go!" Luke thrashed, trying to escape from his captive's hold. "Calum! I love you!"

"Let him go Luke." Tony whispered, tightening his grip on the angel. "I'm sorry but we have to go, he's coming for him."

"Calum!" Luke shouted as he was taken away from his lover.

Calum watched with pain filled eyes as the love of his life was taken away by another angel. "I love you." He whispered in pain.

"I do not do well with betrayal Calum." Lucifer hissed. Pain quickly turned into terror as he recognized the voice. "You came to hell with me, there's no hope for you." He gasped out in pain, every part of his body felt like it was on fire. "You gave up the life of an angel to become a demon, you can't go back on that."

"I-It's a mistake t-that I'll regret for the rest of my life." Calum spat out, wincing as he felt a strong kick to his ribs that sent him flying a couple feet. His white wings wrapped around himself as a form of protection. Lucifer concealed the shock by rolling his eyes and laughing in amusement. He grabbed his former right hand demon by the neck and proceeded by dragging him to the deepest pits of hell.

"I'm going to torture you for eternity and after that you'll be Hell's new punching bag." Calum screamed out in pain as his wing was broken in two. He was weak from not feeding and his strange transition had been making him even weaker.

"You fucking bastard." Calum spat, his vision blurring from the tears.

Lucifer chuckled darkly and placed his hands on both sides of Calum's head. "Let's see how you truly handle evil my little pet." A scream tore itself from his lips as every unimaginable thing happened to him. He was reliving every sin that a human has ever done all at the same time.

He curled up tighter into himself as the feeling of violation increased. It ripped him up from the inside out. The slashes, suffocation, whippings, everything was too overwhelming to bear. "Pl-Please, s-stop." He begged as the torture continued. Then something changed, the pain was still there but now he was watching Luke. He watched as his soul mate was tortured and all he could do was lay there and watch helplessly.

Lucifer had a wicked smile on his face. "I'm afraid I can't Calum, your soul is mine, forever."


The underworld shook as a new force entered its perimeters. "Let him go Lucifer. Now!"

Lucifer grinned, "Long time no see Elohim." Calum shuddered as another wave of pain was sent his way. His skin was littered in scars since his healing powers stopped working after the first five days. It's been two weeks and he felt so weak, he could barely move his head from how weak he was. "But his soul is mine to do with."

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