My Puppy

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Calum watched fascinated as Luke practically kissed every single inch of the mic. He tilted his head just a fraction to the left to try and get a better angle. Now he could see the way Luke's lips drag from the bottom to the top when he sang his lines.

He had to turn away when he almost missed his cue from watching Luke molest the mic. He looked out into the crowd to try and distract himself, looking at the tear stained girls who seemed to be having the time of their life.

When the show was finally over they headed straight to their dressing room. He immediately attacked the younger boy's lips, lust coursing through his body like a freight train. He grinned when he felt the same neediness, loving the fact that he drove the younger boy just as much crazy.

"Cut it out!" A pillow hit them in the head breaking them apart. He glared at Michael, a low growl escaping his throat. "Come at me puppy." Michael taunted with a smirk firmly planted.

Luke glared at his band mate. "Michael, enough!" Ashton rolled his eyes and smacked the red head boy in the back of the head.

"When are you going to stop with the puppy jokes?" Calum pouted, he hated how he would never be able to fully grow up in his other form.

"But you're so cute!" Michael protested, pinching Calum's cheeks.

Calum slapped the hands away, rubbing his cheeks to try and get some blood back in them. "Why are we friends again?"

Michael smiled sweetly at him. "Because you love me." Calum rolled his eyes, bringing his hand up and flipping Michael off.

Two muscular arms wrapped around his torso, pulling him flush against a hard chest. Calum sighed and leaned back into those broad shoulders, loving how protected he felt.

Luke nuzzled his face into the base of Calum's neck, placing a small kiss there. He loved the soft sighs that escaped his boyfriend's throat, it was a perfect mixture of pleasure and content.

"C'mon you two, we have to hit the showers and then you two can cuddle on the bus." Ashton said as he grabbed his showering bag. It had his towel, soap, shampoo and conditioner inside as well as a spare change of clothes. The three boys followed suit and headed off to take a much need shower.


"Can we cuddle?" Calum asked pouting his lips and widening his eyes. Luke was currently playing and losing against Michael in FIFA, so he thought that a cuddle wouldn't really make a difference on the score board.

Luke pressed the pause button making Michael groan since he was just about to score another goal. "Okay!" Luke jumped off the couch and threw the remote at Ashton.

Calum grinned and rushed to the bunks, climbing into his own and getting under the covers. Luke was right behind him and got under the covers as well, pulling the smaller boy flush to his chest.

Calum let out a hum of pleasure, laying his head on Luke's bear chest. He liked the sound of Luke's beating heart because it was calming to him.

Luke placed a kiss on top of the older boy's head, thanking the lucky stars to have this precious boy.

They didn't need to talk to fill in the empty space because their presence was enough for the both of them. They stayed like that for twenty minutes before Calum fell asleep, light snores escaping those red puffy lips.

Luke let out a small laugh, careful not to disturb the sleeping boy. Luke's heart melted at the sight of Calum sleeping so peacefully with the small twitches of his mouth and the furrowing of his eyebrows.

It took him a couple minutes for him to doze off, basking in the warmth that the smaller boy radiated.


When Luke woke up he didn't feel a body pressed against his, instead he felt the softest fur against his chest. He looked down and noticed that Calum had shifted overnight during his sleep.

The small brown head peaked out of the gigantic shirt, rubbing his head against Luke's chest every few minutes. It tickled a little bit he didn't have the heart to move away from the puppy, especially not when soft whines would escape from Calum whenever he moved a little too far away.

He gently petted the soft fur, lingering behind the ear because that's where it was the softest. Calum shook a little but continued to sleep, snuggling closer into Luke's chest. He didn't know how long he kept on petting the small puppy before a yawn escaped the puppy's throat.

Brown eyes stared at him in confusion before standing up on all fours and doing a full body shake and stretch. Luke giggled when Calum started peppering him with doggy kisses all over his face, not caring that his face was getting coated in dog spit.

"I love your puppy form Calum, it's just so adorable." Calum yipped and lied down on his back exposing his belly. Luke laughed but scratched his tummy, searching for that one spot that made Calum's foot start to shake.

After half an hour of playing Calum finally turned back to his normal self, this time placing a proper kiss on his boyfriend's mouth. "Love ya Lukey." Calum said truthfully, a small smile on his lips b

Luke blushed, his cheeks turning a pretty shade of pink. "Love ya too Cal."


Thought I would just write something since I haven't posted anything new. Hope you liked the little fluff, the picture of the dog that Calum would be is on top.

Please vote and comment, tell me what I should write and all kinds of stuff. Thanks for reading this and I hope you have a great day!

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