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So the first two parts of the story is by @flameretardent123 and the last part is mine. Read her fics, she's an amazing writer and you won't regret it!

A cheerful "Hi babe!" is the only warning I get before Calum drops into my lap, skin wet and slick from his dip in the ocean, a wide grin on his face as he stares at me expectantly. Water drips off him and soaks everything. My t-shirt, my copy of the Hot Zone, the beach-chair.
I don't try to hide my frustration. "Oh come on. I was dry, Calum," I grumble.
He grins wider, and wraps thin arms around my shoulders, snuggling into me by burying his head against my throat and lifting his legs up onto my beach-chair so they entangled with mine, getting me even wetter in the process. "That's the best part," he murmurs, while pressing soft open-mouthed kisses against my Adam's apple.
I take his kisses as an apology and reciprocate by wrapping my arms around his thin waist, settling them possessively over the curve of his lower back. I can never stay mad at him anyway; he's got me wrapped around his fingers. Just one pleading look from those soft, doe-brown eyes and I hardly even remember my name, let alone whatever offense he might have committed against me.
We lay there for a few long moments, basking in each others' presence and the beauty of the sun setting. Evidently though, he wants to feel a little more connected and I'm pleased when he reaches out his hand and grabs mine, twinning our fingers together and bringing them up so they rest against my chest.
I can't help but marvel at the contrast in our skin, mine still so pale and his turning steadily to copper. My beautiful lover is a creature of the sun, made to be worshiped and adored in bright light. It's a real shame we can only be affectionate in hidden alcoves like this private beach.
My introspection is broken by his voice.
"You're too good to me, Lucas," he says softly, raising his head up slightly so he stares down at me, an equally introspective look in his lovely chocolate eyes although I can tell he is thinking about something completely different.
"What do you mean?" I ask, lifting my hand to dust a little bit of sand off his soft, baby-smooth cheek.
"I mean all this," he gestures vaguely to the beach and our rented villa. "I only mention in passing that I miss the beach and next thing I know, you're taking me on this vacation."
I smile back and tilt my head up to brush a gentle kiss against those full, rose-tinted lips. "I like spoiling you." I lift my head again and initiate another kiss, this time a little deeper as my free hand splays over his ass. "Guess you'll have to find a way to say thank you."
He grins against my kiss, opening his mouth and inviting me to taste him deeper. It's an invitation I cannot resist, my tongue immediately sweeping inside into familiar grounds, laying claim to this part of him all over again. He's sweetness and innocence, an intangible quality that not even being part of the most ruthless industry has broken. It's one of the parts of him I love the most, although truth be told, I love every little quirk. Even the ones I don't particularly like.
"Want to take me inside and let me show you how much I appreciate it?" He asks when our kiss breaks, a raspier texture to his voice that makes blood rush to my groin. Ah... not so innocent that he doesn't know what I want. And not so innocent that he doesn't want it himself either.
But I am in the mood to tease and take revenge so I glance down at our entangled legs and shake my head. "Your feet are still wet and if you walk in the sand now, you're going to get even more muddy. We can't go tracking mud all over the floors. We're just renting this place, remember?"
He pouts for a second, before he comes up with a solution. "You'll have to carry me inside then," he declares, already looping his arms around my neck in preparation of being lifted as if he knows his demands are going to be met. I'm about to tell him I'm not his pack-mule when a chilly evening wind blows across us and he shivers lightly, clutching me tighter and instinctively burrowing closer to me in search of warmth.
I slide my arms underneath his shoulders and knees, and lift him up easily. He pretends to hate that he's smaller than me, so I hide my smile and pretend not to notice when I feel his contented sigh and the gentle tug of his fingers in my hair as I carry him across the beach back towards our temporary home.

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