Give Me Love

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Warning: Self-Harm

He watched with a fond look on his face as the older boy spoke animatedly about his favorite animal. He could see the way those big brown eyes lit up and he had to bite his lip to hold back a moan when the older boy licked his dry lips.

"Actually Luke's dog Molly likes me better, right Luke?" A teasing grin displayed on Calum's face and he gently nudged the younger boy.

He snorted, "Molly is my dog, of course she loves me more."

"That's why she always greets me first."

"Suurree, you're just jealous you never had a dog."

Calum held his hands up in defeat, "You caught me."

The interviewer asked the next question breaking their little play fest. He answered the next couple questions, fiddling with his thumbs as he tried to focus.

"So if you had to date one of your band mates who would you date?"

The interviewer looked at him first making him shift a little on the too small couch. "Uh, I'd probably choose Cal-"

Michael cut him off, "You always choose Calum."

"Yeah, what's wrong with us two?" Ashton asked pouting as he gestured to himself and Michael.

Calum swung an arm around him, "Tell em' babe why I'm sooo much better."

He mustered up the best teenage girly voice he could, "Well Calum is just so dreeaammmyyy! Have you seen his muscles? Or his tattoos? They're soooo hot!" He pretended to play with his long imaginary hair and giggled.

Calum grinned at him that set off explosions in his stomach. "That's it honey pie! Face it boys, I'm just the best there is out there." They all laughed, because it was a joke and the idea of him and Calum ever being together is just that, a joke.


He softly hummed to the tune he was playing, his fingers moving to change the chords. Music was the only way that helped him cope with everything, from homesickness to unrequited love.

Exhaustion creeped into him, threatening to just shut everything down. The sound of a missed chord rang throughout the room making him flinch from the horrible sound. He sighed and placed the guitar back in its case.

A knock on the door made him groan, he was just about to lay down on the big comfy bed! "Alright, calm your tits!" He grumbled as the person on the other side resorted to pounding of the door. He yanked open the door, and yelped when he felt pain erupt on his forehead. "What the hell?!"

He opened his eyes to see Michael with a sorry look on his face. "You took a long time to open the door. Anyways get ready, we're going clubbing."

He groaned, "I'm tired, we just had a show tonight and I want to stay here."

Michael shook his head, "It's band night out so you're going."

Sighing, he reluctantly gave in. "Fine." He grabbed his phone, wallet and room key, doing a double check of the room to make sure that nothing valuable was in sight or reachable. Grabbing his black jacket off the chair he shoved past Michael.

"Someone's cranky." Michael muttered as he followed his band mate.

Soon they were in a club and immediately the three other boys went to the bar. He opted to go to the VIP section, shoving past the sweaty bodies and dodging any wandering hands.

He got stopped a couple times by some fans and he had to stop and fake a smile for the camera. He shook his head at their offers to buy him a drink and their flirting fell on deaf ears.

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