Buzzing With Energy

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AN: Haven't updated in a while so I just did a little drabble. Basically the boys go to a concert and have the time of their life.

"Hurry the fuck up Luke, your hair looks fine!" Michael yelled, his footsteps echoing throughout the whole house.

I ran my hand through my hair again, trying to get it to stand just right. There wasn't a lot of gel in it to leave it shiny, it was just enough to keep it standing.

"Babe, hurry up!" I rolled my eyes at how impatient the people in this household was.

"There's a mirror in the car Luke!" Ashton shouted.

I exited the bathroom after one last glance in the mirror. I walked to the kitchen were the boys were eating some left overs from last night's restaurant. I stole the fork from Calum's hand, moaning at the delicious taste of freshly made tomato sauce.

Calum stared at the empty fork, "That was mine."

"And it was delicious."

He pointed to the bowl next to Ashton, "Your food is over there, getting cold since you take too long."

I kissed his cheek, "Thanks babe." I took a fork out from the drawer and dug into the creamy Alfredo.

"Can't believe this is happening! In less than an hour we're going to be in a crowd to see Green Day!" Michael gushed as he put his plate into the sink.

"And it's right in the center, not in the back where you have to watch from a giant screen!" Ashton added, the dimple on his cheek never disappearing.

I looked down at my Alfredo, twisting the noodles around my fork. "I hope that one day we can play to a group of people as big as the Green Day fans."

Ashton slapped my back, "We're a quarter way there mate."


We were right by the front, a couple people were already there by the time we arrived at Milton Keynes National Bowl. There was going to be an expected amount of a hundred and thirty thousand attendees, and that wasn't even counting all the security guards.

I was already starting to regret wearing skinny jeans and from the looks on the other three, so we're they.

"I regret wearing jeans tonight, it's all your fault Michael!" I glared at the green head boy, the person who insisted we can't go out and wear something else.

"We can't break our image, besides I heard it was gonna get a little cold later on."

I could see beads of perspiration on his forehead and I knew that he was just too stubborn to admit defeat. "Whatever."

Calum wrapped his arm around me, pulling me flush to his chest. "Enough you two, were supposed to be having fun today!"

I pushed away from Calum, "It's too fucking hot to cuddle." He rolled his eyes but simply grabbed a hold of my hand.

The place filled up pretty quickly after an hour or so. It was jam packed by the time Fall Out Boy came on two hours later. They were part of the major acts playing at the festival this year but they weren't headlining nor sub-headlining.

"The mighty fall
The mighty fall
They fall in love"

We sang at the top of our lungs, harmonizing with the rest of the crowd.

After FOB was Bring Me The Horizon who was sub-headlining for the festival. Calum almost squealed when he saw Oli come on stage. Out of all four of us, Calum was the most into the heavy metal type of music.

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