Chapter 16

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1st POV:

Since reuniting with Chifuyu and the other Toman members, a day doesn't go by when I'm not with them. During school, I'm normally with Takemitchy and his friends. Hina-chan tried to introduce me to her friends but I just felt more comfortable with the boys. Apparently, people heard that I hugged Mikey and now Takemitchy's friends worship me. I find them very funny though.

I also learnt that Takemitchy's name was actually Takemichi but it had developed into Takemitchy because of Mikey-kun, Takemichi said it was ok to call him that though, probably feeling sorry for me when I found out and wouldn't stop apologising for saying his name wrong. 

After school, I spent most of my time with Chifuyu or Mitsuya. Chifuyu regularly came over to check up on me, he didn't want me to be lonely in the apartment by myself. He even started a movie night every week in my apartment, where all of our friends came over. 

I tried to convince Mikey to let me become an official member of Toman but he wouldn't have it as he didn't think Keisuke would have wanted that. Mitsuya's mum often made meals for me and would always invite me over to have dinner, even when she was at work, so naturally, I ended up spending a lot of time with Mitsuya and his sisters. 

I didn't feel so lonely anymore. I still missed Keisuke but I was doing better now. We all were.

I sat in Takemichi's room playing cards with Ak-kun and the others while Chifuyu sat spinning on the chair next to us. I started giggling as Takemichi starts mumbling about being the 'only one who can do it' and how he 'can't depend on anyone else'. My giggling seemed to alert everyone else and Ak-kun finally spoke,

"What're you mumbling about?" while Yamagishi made a funny face saying,

"Creepy-michi." I couldn't hold my laughter at his comment. My laughter became even worse as Takemichi started freaking out about everyone being in his house and how everyone had joined Toman under him. I finally stopped myself when everyone started discussing the black dragon and how they had just beat the shit out of Takemichi. 

"If Toman fights them now.. there's gonna be casualties." The room went silent and I could feel everyone shudder.

"You guys don't have to fight. This is between me and the Black Dragons. It's got nothing to do with Toman. I'll settle this on my own." Takemichi declared to everyone. I stood up as everyone started muttering their confusions. 

"Takemichi." As everyone turned to me Chifuyu spoke up,

"Come with us real quick."

The three of us went for a ride, which I must say was very squished. I was at the front with Chifuyu behind me and Takemichi at the back. Chifuyu pulled over near a park and began talking with Takemichi as I just listened to them. 

"Have fun with this, all right? Baji-san didn't leave Toman to you because he wanted to stress you out. Baji-san would be mad at you right now. He'd be like 'Cheer the fuck up, Shitty-michi!!'" I chuckled at what Chifuyu said as Takemichi started to cry.

"Chifuyu... I... came from the future." I froze at the statement Takemichi had just said.

"Huh? What the hell do you mean? "Came from the future"?" Takemichi then told us a whole story about how he had gone to the past on the day he died. How he joined Toman to save Hina from dying. How he could only go back 12 years from the present day. About Mikey-kun. About Draken-kun. Kisaki. And Chifuyu's future. He spilled everything out. After he had said everything as Chifuyu and I stood there processing everything  Takemichi said

"... Just kidding. I was just joking around. Haha." As I was about to speak Chifuyu interrupted me,

"Somehow, I always knew. Thinking about it, there's a lot that's off about you. Also, there have been times when you've looked different."

"... Well... I mean, that's..." Takemichi tried to defend himself.

"Before the fight with Valhalla, you told Baji-san 'Please... don't die' I wasn't standing close enough, so I didn't hear what you were talking about in detail. But I definitely heard that. You knew that Baji-san was gonna die. That's why you were so desperate."

"Yeah... I knew, but I couldn't stop it. even though I tried to save him..."

"You're pretty incredible. You've been fighting all alone, right? With nobody praising you or anything. Be proud of yourself, Takemitchy. The results don't matter! Nobody's watching, but you stood and fought without running. I respect you, dude." Takemichi had started crying at this point,

"You really believe me? And all the stuff I said that sounds like total bullshit?" Takemichi sobbed out.

"'Course I do, dumbass! We're partners, aren't we?" Chifuyu smiled at Takemichi as he started crying more. I finally stepped forward and the two boys remembered I was there,

"So you knew about Keisuke's death?" I ask as I approach Takemichi, I could tell that by me walking towards him, made him nervous but nonetheless, he spoke,

"Yeah... I'm sorry Y/N-chan. I really tried to stop it. I knew and I couldn-" I stopped Takemichi by hugging him. He stood there slightly shocked.

"Thank you for trying Takemichi. I'm really proud of you. Thank you for doing all of this. You don't have to do it alone anymore though. Chifuyu and I are here." This brought more tears from Takemichi as he yelled out,

"Damn it!! Quit makin' me cry!" Chifuyu and I simply laughed at his actions as he ferociously wiped his eyes. 

The three of us talked more over ramen and agreed to curb stomp the black dragons, Kisaki and anyone else that got in our way.

We then discussed what to do about the Black Dragons and how to stop Hakkai Shiba, the younger brother of the leader of the Black Dragons and the vice-captain of the second division of Toman, from quitting to stop a conflict between Toman and the Black Dragons. 

As I wouldn't be able to attend the meeting I just listened to Chifuyu and Takemichi discuss their different plans on how to stop Mikey from allowing Hakkai from quitting and oh boy... how I wish I could be at that meeting.

While those two were discussing their terrible plans I messaged Mitsuya. He is the captain of the second division so he must know Hakkai pretty well. So I asked him if he could persuade Hakkai to stay in Toman. He agreed to try something.


I went with Chifuyu to the meeting and waited outside for them. Mitsuya came out first with Hakkai and Takemichi and Chifuyu following behind. I went up to Takemichi and Chifuyu to ask about what had happened and how the "plan" went but both of them refused to answer questions about it. Hakkai and Mitsuya had been discussing things before their conversation was directed at us,

"Why are they tagging along?" Mitsuya asked,

"What? I was there when it happened." Takemichi replied.

"I'm keeping an eye on him. He's a moron, you see."

"Hey! Who are you callin' a moron?! I haven't forgotten about your shitty plan!!" Takemichi yelled at Chifuyu,

"Haha. Isn't this a good result, though?" I was giggling at their banter when Mitsuya came up to me...

Hoped you enjoyed 

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