A Surprise Visit and the MAMA Awards

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A/N: Kind of another filler chapter.

With the MAMA Awards so soon after the AMAs, BTS was right back to practicing relentlessly every day. TaeKook made time to talk to Lyssah regardless of how tired they were after practice especially with her being as far along as she was. The doctor had explained to them both the likelihood of her going into preterm labor because she was carrying multiples which had scared them both, so they needed to call her every night to reassure themselves that she was doing fine and wasn't in labor. The three of them had all talked to Hitman Bang a while ago and decided that if possible Lyssah and her children would be moving to Korea before the birth so that Taehyung and Jeongguk didn't have to worry about being a 14-hour flight away from her when she went into labor. Neither of them wanted to miss the birth of the first child if at all possible. Which their boss understood.

Lyssah had talked to him privately as well and asked if he could help her surprise the boys by getting her and her friends' tickets to the MAMA Awards. She really wanted to be there to support them. It didn't take him long to secure tickets for Lyssah and the seven friends she had originally told about her night with the maknae line. Alex and Felicity were both old enough to watch the younger kids while their moms were away for a few days. Plus, Lyssah's best friend offered to stay at the house if needed but promised to check on the kids every afternoon.

With all of that settled, Lyssah and Charity packed while they waited for the rest of their friends to arrive. Once their friends arrived they had one day and night to shop for any extra stuff, shower, and enjoy a nice dinner together before catching their flight the following morning to Japan.

Knowing it was going to be a 13 to 14-hour flight, the girls made sure to pack books to read, download games to play, and bring their laptops or tablets so that they would have plenty of things to do. Lyssah called Taehyung and Jeongguk before leaving for the airport. To keep the visit a secret she lied and told them she was going on a two-day visit to a family member's house and that she wouldn't be able to talk to them the rest of the day because she would be busy but that she would text them as soon as she could to let them know she was okay. Neither of them liked that idea but they weren't going to tell her not to visit her family just to make themselves feel better.

After her phone call, Lyssah and her friends loaded their luggage into the van, said goodbye to her children as well as Charity's then left so they would have time to enjoy whatever food was being served for breakfast in the first-class waiting area. Once they were checked in and in the first-class waiting area they got their food and chatted quietly but excitedly about the trip and how surprised the boys were gonna be. Especially Hoseok since he hadn't seen Imogen since their time together in Chicago. They had talked daily, video chatted and were dating long-distance but this was going to be a great surprise for him. This would also give Charity and Jimin time to really spend time together and decide if they wanted to date or not. Charity and Imogen had both made excuses just like Lyssah about why they wouldn't be able to call Hoseok and Jimin for the day.

The MAMA Awards were on December 5th which gave the girls two days once they arrived in Nagoya before they would see BTS. Just to be sure Lyssah wasn't recognized, they all wore masks when they walked through the airport. Her jacket was just barely big enough to hide her baby bump. But thankfully, no one recognized her. They made it to the hotel smoothly, Hitman Bang had made sure they didn't stay in the same hotel as BTS so as not to ruin the surprise.

Their first day in Japan was spent relaxing in their hotel rooms and sleeping off the jet lag. The second day they did some sightseeing, shopping, and ate a couple of restaurants. The third day was MAMA day. They slept in a bit more that day but were up and getting ready for their night at the awards by 11 am. They ate breakfast together in Charity and Lyssah's suite then left to take showers and decide what to wear. Lyssah chose a cute maternity sweater dress and leggings that Yoongi had actually gifted her recently. His excuse had been that it had been cute and had just been made for her so he had bought it online and had it shipped to her. It wasn't unusual for the other members of BTS to just randomly gift her cute maternity outfits like that.

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