Chapter 21

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Dishes hit against one another as the sun set outside the window. Beautiful pinks and oranges swirled together in the sky, bringing bright lighting in through the large window above the sink, landing on George's face.

I leaned back in my chair, allowing for my stomach to settle. George's mom had made lasagna, and I couldn't help but take two servings. George stretched his arms above his head, groaning as he interlocked his fingers and pushed upwards.

Simba lay on the countertop next to the sink while George's mom rinsed the dishes, absorbing the sun spilling into the room. His small head rested on his front paws and his eyes were closed, simply enjoying the rays heating up his grey fur.

My stomach growled angrily at me for eating more than I was used to, earning me a concerned look from George.

"You alright?" He asked with a giggle, allowing for his body to sink back into the chair. His hands gripped the sides, stopping himself from sliding down onto the floor.

"I'm good. Stomach just needs to settle." I patted my bloated stomach lightly, every ab muscle that was there before had disappeared, and the food took over.

"Want to go lay down on the couch for a bit? We can start the cookies once you're feeling up to it." George stood, pushing the chair underneath the table. His hand extended towards me, inviting me to take hold and follow him.

George's mom finished the dishes and wiped her hands on a towel hanging on a hook below her. Simba stirred with the sudden movement, one of his eyes opening and inspecting the noise.

I stood slowly, grabbing George's cold hand. He sat down on the brown leather couch and I squeezed in next to him, extending my legs across the length of the couch. My head rested on his shoulder and he held around my waist, the comfort instantly relaxing me. Our legs intertwined towards the other arm rest to get more comfortable, and his left hand made its way through my hair.

His fingers trailed down to the base of my hair and back up again, nails skimming over my neck. My eyes shut gradually, allowing for George to continue. The tiny jingle of Simba's collar made its way to the couch and stopped, meowing once to make George pick him up, since he was too small to hop up himself. After he let out a sigh, he reached down with his free hand and pulled the cat up and onto his chest.

My eyes opened groggily to see the cat curl up under George's chin. His head rested against mine, the whiskers skewing out from his compact face tickled my cheeks. A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth as the darkness took over once more. The content purrs of Simba filled the silence of the room.

A comfortable warmth spread across the lower half of my body, and it didn't take long to realize a blanket had been neatly placed over George and I.

"If you need anything I'll be upstairs." George's mom whispered from behind the couch. George gave a slight nod with the room he had from Simba curled up on his chest. The swirls on my head continued, and a delicate hand meets the bare skin of my back after sliding under my shirt.

His fingernails glided across the width of my back, sending shivers throughout my entire body. I sunk deeper into the feeling, now completely relaxed.

Sleep washed over me as I allowed for George to let his fingers get lost in my hair that was too long and his other hand to rest on my back.

I woke up to a cat stepping on my head. The soft, small paws stood timidly on my hair as George let out a giggle. My eyes opened slowly as Simba struggled to balance on my head. George eventually picked the cat up by his stomach and let him sit on his chest again.

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