Miguel/Robby ~ Baby Made With A Lot of Love

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Robby and Miguel have been together for little over 2 years now. They're 18 and in their senior year of high school. They moved in together shortly before the school year started.

Everybody was shocked when they started dating, mostly because of their rough history, but all were supportive...except Shannon, Robby's mom. But, they don't really talk about that.

Anyways, February came around and not only was it Valentine's day, but Robby's birthday also fell within that week. Sex was all that was on both of their minds, protection long forgotten about.

Unfortunately, that was a pretty big mistake.

"Miguel? Baby, I've got the ginger ale for your stomach!" Robby called out as he walked back into his and Miguel's little shitty apartment.

All Robby got in response was more sounds of vomit coming from the bathroom. He sighed heavily before opening the door. He hated seeing miggy like this, in pain.

Miguel had been throwing up every morning and most nights for practically a month straight. Robby was getting more worried by the day, but his boyfriend never wanted to go to the doctor or any hospital...not since his abuelita died.

Robby sat next to Miguel on the cold tiled floor, gently rubbing his back as he finished heaving into the toilet.

"Baby," Robby started as miggy rest his head in his hands, "I got some soup and ginger ale for your belly...how are you feeling now?"

Miguel just shook his head, sighing, "Like shit. I can't keep doing this.. What's wrong with me..?"

Robby wipes his cheeks of tears before pulling miggy into his chest, "I'm sorry babe. I think I got something that could answer that question though.."

The younger boy looks up at him with a confused look twisted onto his face, "Huh? If it's more meds, I'm not taking them Robby."

The green eyed beauty only laughed, "No..well I got some meds for after but--" he stopped himself, just deciding to pull them out of the plastic bag from the grocery store and handed them to Miguel.

"Pregnancy tests? Robby we--" his eyes suddenly go wide with nervousness, "didn't use protection. Shit."

"And you're not on birth control yet. It's just a precaution miggy."

Miguel nods slowly, "Y-yeah.. Let me take these."

Robby kisses his forehead before leaving Miguel to it.

Are they really going to have a baby?

Are they ready for a baby?

Can they afford this?

Teen parents never make it..at least that's what Robby's been told.

Before he even realized, the bathroom door was opening revealing a puffy and teary eyed Miguel.


Miguel's hands rest on his stomach, "I'm pregnant."

~7ish months later~

"Robby!" Miguel yelled from their bed as he rubbed his 32 week baby belly.

He was bed ridden until his due date in November. Only allowed to get up to use the bathroom and only permitted to do online classes. Let's just say...he was driving his lover a little crazy.

"Yes baby?" Robby sighed as he walked into their shared room.

"I-I think I'm having Braxton hicks. T-that or I'm in labor." he stuttered, his eyes filling with pain driven tears.

"What!? Okay, okay..breathe honey.." Robs sat next to miggy, carefully rubbing his belly feeling it contract under his touch. Only making Miguel groan in agony. "You're definitely having contractions. We should get you two to the hospital baby. Right now."

"B-babe I'm too early. My due date isn't for another month.. I can't loose her." the small Latino whimpered as another contraction ripped through his gut.

"I know honey..I know, but you are in labor. I promise I won't let anything go wrong. We'll have our baby girl in our arms soon." Robby promised, just wanting his fiancé to be relieved of all pain.

"Okay, I trust you."


Miguel was definitely in labor and by the time the boys got to the hospital, he was already 6 centimeters dilated.

10, yes 10, hours later, Miguel finally gave birth to a healthy, almost 5 pound, baby girl.

Even with an almost broken hand, Robby literally couldn't be happier. Tears streamed down his face as he held his daughter for the first time. She was so tiny and precious...he never wanted to let her go.

"What are you guys going to name her?" Johnny asked softly, watching his son hold his new granddaughter.

He was the only other person allowed in the delivery room. Miguel always needed his sensei.

The two new parents looked at each other before Miggy spoke up, "Mia. Mia Lawrence Diaz."

"You guys named her after me?" Sensei asked completely stunned.

"Yep. You are the only person that's never doubted us. When mom turned her back on us, when abuelita died, when we lost friends when we came out, and..when we found out that Miguel was pregnant...you never left. " Robby took a deep breath before continuing," Thank you dad. Just..thank you."

The new parents were immediately taken into a bear hug, after setting the baby in her bassinet of course, by Johnny. He could never thank them enough for saving his life.

" Thank you."

Mia Lawrence Diaz
October 2nd, 2022
4lbs 5oz. 15 inches long


Yo! New Book! First chapter of said book, I hope it's not too bad. I've never written in this format, but I love oneshots so....why not write my own! I have so many ideassssssss ahhhh!

Anyways, comments and votes are very much appreciated! Thanks yall ❤️

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