Eli/Demitri ~ Oops

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They were sixteen and newly dating. This wasn't supposed to happen.

Demitri and Eli had been best friends for over half their lives. They did everything together.. litterally. They went on family vacations together, had ten tons of sleepovers, by some miracle always had the same classes, slept in the same bed when either one had nightmares, and..they were even each other's first real kiss. Eli eventually confined in Demitri when he was questioning his sexuality and Demi did the same.

It was like they were one anothers security blanket. That was confirmed when they both confessed their feelings to each other before their first day high school.

Oddly enough, they didn't start dating until almost a year later. Feelings and hormones ran rampant and they both wanted to make sure they wanted to be together.

It was innocent at first, but things got heated quickly between the two love birds. Sweet kisses swiftly turned into hot, sweaty sex.

Once they started they couldn't keep their hands off each other. Sex just became a regular thing and it was glorious until...Demitri slipped up, completely lost in the moment, and forgot to use protection.

Three months later, Eli was definitely paying for it. He was constantly nauseous, vomiting, beyond tired all the time, and for some unknown reason to him..he was gaining a lot of weight. When the brand new jeans he bought the week before all of sudden didn't button he knew something was wrong.

Eli was hoping it was just a stupid stomach bug, but as he peered at his growing stomach in the bathroom mirror, reality hit him square in the face.

But..he couldn't be, right?

After rummaging through his older sister's bathroom cabinet for a while he found what he was looking for, a pregnancy test.

Later on, he called Demitri to come over. He tried so hard not to give anything away in his voice. He was terrified of telling the love his life that he was possibly pregnant.

The blue haired boy sat in his bathroom, rubbing his bloated stomach just waiting for Deme to show.

If he was pregnant, what would they do?

Would Demitri leave him?

What if he had to raise a baby on his own?

How would they raise a baby and go to the school?

How could they afford a baby?

What would their parents and friends think?

Would they think he's a freak?

Would his parents disown him?

"Babe? Eli?" Demitri belted out, his voice cutting Eli out of his thoughts.

"In here!" he gulped as he pulled his knees closer to his belly.

Demitri followed the sound of his voice before he sat next to his partner with worry written all over his face, "Babe, what's going on? Why are you all couped up in here? Are feeling sick again?"

"Yes, but-but that's not why I'm in here. I," the older boy took a deep breath, "I...you know I love you, right?"

"Obviously E. I love you too. Seriously baby, what's going on? You're starting to scare me." he frowned, wrapping his arm around Eli's waist.

That made Eli even more anxious.

"I-I needed you here with me when I took this." he then handed Deme the pregnancy test box.

His significant other's eyes went wide, "A..a pregnancy test? You think you're actually pregnant?"

The other noded, trying his hardest not to cry.

"Okay. Do you want me to wait out there for you or stay in here? I'll look away if you need me too." Deme asked, softly kissing his head.


"Yeah baby." he then moved to sit on the edge of the bathtub to give Eli some space.

Once Eli took the test and washed his hand, the two waited hand-in-hand for the timer to go off.

In five minutes their entire lives were going to change.

The screaming timer scared the shit out of both them.

The blue haired boy picked up the test, immediate tears  filled his eyes, "P-please don't freak out D."

"It's positive?" he bit his lip still squeezing his boyfriend's hand.

All Eli could do was nod while tears flooded his face.

Demitri abruptly took the pregnancy test from Eli's hand, staring at it. He was going to be a father?

Silence wasn't helping Eli calm down at all, more tears escaping, "I-I'm so sorry D. I-I didn't mean to, seriously. I thought w-we always used a condom. P-please do—"

Promptly Demitri pulled his now hyperventilating boyfriend into his chest and held him, "No. No Elijah. Eli, it's okay. I'm not mad. I promise I'm not mad baby. It's not your fault..you're okay. "

Elijah melted against his chest as he composed himself. He then glanced up at Demitri before he broke away from his hold, "I-I'm still sorry D. A baby is a huge responsibility so..I-I understand if you want to leave."

"Whoa! Where'd you get that idea? I'm not leaving you alone to raise our kid, Eli. This was an oops, but I'm not going anywhere." Demitri kissed Eli's lip gently before kneeling down and kissing his small rounded belly,"I love both of you."

"W-we love you too." he gushed, moving Deme's hands onto his bump, "Our baby oops."

Demitri laughed, "Yeah. You feeling better now?"

"Definitely. Now, I know why I feel like this and why my jeans don't fit anymore." he sighed, pulling Dem back up.

"You're growing our baby oops." Dem muttered, rubbing the little baby bump he couldn't take his eyes off of.

The pregnant boy then yawned, "Growing a baby is really exhausting..Can we cuddle? Ooh a nap sounds nice."

"Duh. I'd never pass up your cuddles."


This was really cute that they'll probably be a part two! Hope y'all love it! 💟

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