Miguel/Robby ~ Attempt

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(TW: Talks of and an almost suicide attempt, self harm, and a lot of crying. Please read at your own discretion.)

Too much. Everything was too much.

You would think he'd finally be happy, but something wasn't clicking. He finally had his dad back in his life, a beautiful boyfriend, great friends, his life finally back on track, but...it was like he was suffocating. He couldn't breath. Robby wanted out.

He sounds selfish. He shouldn't feel like this. So many other kids have it way worse.

He couldn't leave Miguel...literally the only person who understands him and actually loves him. He couldn't leave him..but then again Miggy deserved someone better. Not someone so fucked up in the head and so broken.


Robby blinked back the newly formed tears as he quickly slid the razor blade across his wrist for the sixth time that week...he's tried this six times and he's always failed or chickened out like the fucking coward he is!

Robby hissed quietly, trying not to draw any attention to the bathroom of Johnny's and his apartment. His dad wasn't home, but he still had to be as quiet as possible just in case. He didn't want any witnesses...he didn't want any pity or tears. He didn't deserve them, especially from Miguel.

Beautiful Miguel...

Robby continued up his arm, each wound getting increasingly deeper as he went on before moving onto the other arm.

But, his phone rang...stopping him for a second. It was Miggy. It was the third time he's called in 20 minutes.

"He must be worried." Robby mumbled, more tears flooding his cheeks.

Just before Robby started on his left arm, a door slammed open.

"Robby! Baby, I know you're here! Why aren't you answering your phone?!" the sound of miguel's concerned voice could be heard throughout the small apartment. He then jiggled the handle of the bathroom door, easily getting it open.

Damn it! Why didn't he lock the fucking door!

"Rob--" Miguel's eyes widened with fear at the site. His boyfriend curled up in the bath tub, surrounded by bloody towels..very bloody towels,"Baby, what the hell are you doing?" he tried to keep his voice stable as he slowly sat across from Robby, tears threatened to spill.

"N-nothing. You weren't supposed to see this! I-I was supposed to be gone!" the older boy sobbed as he started to shake.

"Gone? Gone!? Robby, you were trying to--Why baby? What's going on? I-is it school or me? Is there anything I can do?" Miggy stumbled, wiping his face quickly while trying to process the information he was just told by the love of his life..

"No. No! It's not you. it's n-never been you. P-please Miggy, just go so you don't have to see this.."

"Fuck no! I'm not letting the love of my fucking life off himself! Robby, please tell me what's going on. I can try to help at least. P-please baby." He carefully pulled the sobbing boy into his chest, Robby immediately buried his face into him, "Shhhh...shh...you're okay. I promise you'll get through this. I'll be here the entire time."

The couple stayed like that for what seemed like hours until Robby fully calmed down. The green eyed beauty kept his head buried in his boyfriend's chest and he no intentions of moving until they had to. He was relaxed...Miguel's hands stroking his back, playing with his hair, kissing his forehead..while he listened to his lover's content heart beat. He would've missed this..

"Baby?" Miggy asked softly.

Robby looked up at him,"Y-yeah?"

"Can I know why? Only if you're ready to talk about it. If not, we can just clean you up and snuggle together in bed, okay?" Miguel offered in a gentle tone as he rubbed Robby's back.

He just nodded before taking a minute to answer, "T-the second option sounds better."

"Okay, let's do that. Just take your time honey."


After Miguel cleaned and bandaged all of Robby's cuts, surprisingly none of them needed stitches, and threw in a load of laundry, the two laid in Robby's bed all snuggled up together.

The older boy shifted in his partner's arms, fully lying on top of him with his head buried in Miguel's chest again.

"Be careful honey.." the smaller boy mumbled as he shifted Robby up and off of his stomach.

"D-did I hurt you?" he frowned now chewing on his bottom lip.

"No, no honeybun. Just...you have to be more careful now. You can't put too much pressure on my belly." Miguel told him, hoping he'd get the hint.

Instead, his boyfriend just looked more confused, "I-is everything okay?"

"Yeah. I think so anyways...I didn't know how to tell you," he lifts the other's chin up to face him gently, "I'm pregnant.."

"P-pregnant? A baby?!" Robby squeaked, a huge smile finally appearing on his face,"We're having a baby?"

"Y-yeah, yes. I'm 12 weeks." Miggy giggled as a kiss is placed on his lips.

Robby laid next to him again, his hands rubbing the little baby bump,"I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Miguel. I almost left you two. I-I almost missed this." tears started to slip once more.

"But you didn't. You're still here with us. You don't have to be sorry for your feelings. We'll get you help baby." Miggy pulled him closer,"I love you so much."

"I-I love you too. Both of you. I want to get better."


.......Possibly to be continued.......

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