Miguel/Johnny/Robby - Not So Alone Anymore Pt. 3

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Within the next month Miguel and Robby had grown closer. They had apologized for all the hatred over the years and quickly grown close, like cuddling together every time Robby slept over close.

It shocked Johnny to see them laughing and curled up together watching movies instead of pummeling each other. It was a beautiful sight.

With the baby's due date only a few weeks away, Robby stepped up to the plate. He bought the remainder of baby girl's things and constantly helped Miguel with anything he needed. He even went to an ultrasound appointment...

He practically moved in.

For the first time in months, Johnny got to sleep in his bed alone. Miguel finally felt comfortable and safe in his own bed now that Robby was sleeping next to him.

Robby was falling hopelessly in love with him.

Miguel was laying in bed snuggled into Robby's chest after hours of painful Braxton hicks..

"Are you feeling any better sweetheart?" the older boy asked, softly rubbing miggy's 33 week belly.

"A little bit...little one is restless again." he sighed, clutching Robby's shirt.

"Yeah, I can feel that..she's always kicking up a storm in there." Robby muttered, watching the little one move around,"She's amazing..."

Miguel gazed up at him with a loving look. He was starting to realize how much he loved him. He wanted Robby to be in his and his daughter's life....he never wanted him to leave.

"What? Is there something on my face?" the brunette frowned, bitting his lower lip.

"No...no...I think I love you." he mumbled.

Robby's eyes widened, his heart skipping several beats, "W-what? You really love me?"

Miggy nodded swiftly, "I-is that okay? I-I'm sorry if I—"

He was cut off by gentle lips against his, "I love you too."

"I want you in our lives." he whispered, holding Robby's hand against his belly where the baby was kicking the most.

"I'd be honored."


The new couple spent hours making out and cuddling while Johnny was working at the dojo with Daniel Larusso.

They didn't even notice when he knocked and walked into Miguel's room,"Hey Mig—holy shit! What the fuck—Sorry!"

The two jumped apart, Miguel started to tear up with his heart pounding in his chest, "S-sensei, I'm so s-sorry!"

"Y-yeah we thought you weren't home. We're sorry dad." Robby stuttered, looking at his dad with a terrified look.

"Guys, guys it's okay. Take it easy." the older man sat on the bed with them, "Miguel.. Don't cry honey, it's okay. I'm not mad."

"Y-you're not?" Miguel muttered, wiping his eyes of stray tears.

"Nope. I didn't know you guys got that fucking close, but I'm glad you guys are happy." Johnny smiled, rubbing Miguel's belly gently.

The two sighed in relief and looked at each other with soft, loving expressions.

"Thank you dad. I-I actually.. I love him so much." Robby confessed bashfully.

"Me too..." Miguel sighed dreamily,"I love him too.."

"Oh puppy love. So, when did all this happen?" Johnny questioned looking between the two teenagers.

"Today...um kind of." Robby shrugged, his eyes never leaving his new love.

Miguel giggled before he confessed for himself, "I guess you say that..I think more of month. I-I just didn't tell you because I didn't want to ruin anything."

"Seriously? I-I mean..me too. I didn't want to scare you off." the older brunette blushed.

Johhny watched the new love being confessed infort of him. It made his heart melt. Both of his boys were finally happy.


Now at 35 weeks pregnant, he was scared as hell. School was getting harder and it was so much more difficult to hide his belly. With his baby girl due so soon, his Braxton hicks were stronger than ever before. Getting through classes were a huge chore.

Miguel was always  exhausted and became extremely clingy..to everyone, but mostly Robby. He was scared of being too much to handle..he didn't want to loose him already.

He watched his boyfriend as he made dinner with a mix of guilt and adoration. He hated not being able to help him or Sensei anymore. He was feeling once again useless. He just wanted to feel normal again. 

Hormones are a bitch. 

"Here babes." Robby smiled, handing him a bowel of spaghetti as he sat next to him. 

 "Thanks babe." he sighed as he tried to muster up the best fake smile he could before digging in. 

After almost 20 minutes of uncomfortable silence and forks being clinked around, Robby spoke up, "What's wrong baby? Did something happen at school?"

Miguel shook his head, "Uh- no...No, just tired that's all.."

"Are you sure? You've been quiet since you came home.." the older boy frowned, scooting closer to his boyfriend.

Miggy shrugged, "I-I'm fine."

"You know you can tell me anything, right? I won't hurt you, I promise. I just might hurt the person who hurt you." Robby told the younger Latino, softly placing kisses on his face.

Miguel blush perfusely, "Thanks babe really. I-I know, I'm just...I'm scared.. Some kid tried to trip me today. Then when I was trying to go to the bathroom this group of guys were blocking the door..calling me names and pushing against my belly." tears then flooded his face, "I-It was all really scary."

Robby felt his heart drop while his anger spiked, "Do you want dad to talk to the dean? I-I could fuck them up? This isn't right! They could've hurt you and our daughter." he was so angry he didn't even notice that what he said completely melted his boyfriend's heart.

"Our daughter..?" Miggy muttered in disbelief while looking down at where their hands were placed on his belly, their daughter kicking up a storm.

Robby looked at him frazzled for a moment before realizing what had just been said, his eyes widened, "Yeah? If that's okay? I'm sorry I didn't mean—"

The tattooed boy was cut off by a warm kiss, "It's okay. I just didn't know you felt that way."

"Of course I do. I know I've only been in the picture for a little while, but I love you and her..I would do anything to protect both of you." he confessed still caressing the baby bump.

More tears slipped down Miguel's face, "We love you t-too Robs. Thank you."

"Always baby. With that said, I'm going to fuck some people up tomorrow." he kissed the top of his boyfriend's belly then his forehead.

Miguel laughed softly before laying his head on the older boys shoulder as they settled back into the shitty Netflix movie they were watching.


I'm so sorry it took me so long to get back into writing this, but I love it and I hope y'all do too! Last part coming soon!❤️

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