Miguel/Johnny ~ I Miss You

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He didn't want to be jealous, but he also had a crippling fear of being forgotten.

It's been almost two years since Miguel won the All Valley and one year since Sensei reconnected with his astranged son.

He knows he shouldn't be jealous about Johnny and Robby's father-son relationship. He should be happy for his sensei...finally having his real son back in his life, but he couldn't help it. Johnny was the closest thing he'd ever had to a father. I mean he even dated Miguel's mother for fucks sake..

Every time Miguel watched them train together, have dinner together...do everything Johnny always did with him, the pain and jealousy only ate away at his heart.

Sensei and him were still close, but not how he wanted or how it was before Robby showed up.

Everyday he hated himself more for how he felt.

It was an average Friday night when he got a call from Sensei asking if he wanted to have dinner with him since Robby had gone out with his new 'girlfriend'. Obviously he ran straight over.

Finally, a night to themselves.

Dinner was just pizza take-out, but he didn't care. He only cared about spending time with his Sensei.

"Hey kid...Can I ask you something?" Johnny asked, almost uncertain of himself.

Miguel nodded, his mouth still full of the greasy disaster of cheese and meats, "Sure."

"Do you think I should be spending less time with Robby? Like..I know you're not the one I should be asking, but you're a teenager. Do you think he's embarrassed of me?" the older man asked with sadness written across his face. Miguel had never seen him like this before.

A part of his heart wanted to say yes. He wanted Robby to just disappear, but..he knew how much he meant to Johnny. So, he just mustered up the fakest smile he could, "I don't think he's embarrassed of you, Sensei. H-he probably loves that you guys finally get to spend some time together...If it helps, I'm never embarrassed of you."

The smile returned to Johnny's face, "Thanks Diaz. You always know what to say.."

Miggy nodded as he felt his heart hurt even more than it did before. He didn't know when he got so weak..soon enough he felt tears form in his eyes. He couldn't have his Sensei see him like this...he'd never want to be around him again if he saw Miguel cry like this.

Quickly and without much thought, he jumped up from the table and rushed into the bathroom, making sure to lock to door behind him.

"What the hell is the matter with you!?" he scolded himself while he wipes his face on his hoodie sleeves, "You're not this fucking weak!"

He then collapsed onto the cold tile floor, holding his knees to his chest as he continued to cry and scold himself. He could just feel the knot forming in his belly. How was he going to face Johnny now?

"Diaz!? Diaz, are you okay? What the fuck just happened!?" Sensei yelled with much concern in his voice, pounding on the bathroom door,"Will you let me in for fucks sake?"

"I-I'm fine!" he stammered out.

"Miguel...please let me in." Sensei's tone shifted into a benevolent one.

The small Latino wiped his eyes roughly on his sleeve before sluggishly opening the bathroom door. He then sat back down on the floor with his knees to his chest.

"Miguel?" the older man sighed sitting next to his student, "What's going on kid?"

"Nothing. I should just go home." he huffed tearfully, getting up from his warm spot on the floor.

Johnny swiftly grabbed Miguel's arm, "Can you stop and tell me what the fuck is going on? Everything was fine? I thought-"

"Nothing is fine! Can't you see that!? L-let go of me and just leave me alone.." The younger boy practically yelled, tears rushing down his face as he ran out of the shitty apartment.

He kept running until he was at the dojo's doors. He finally collapsed against them and sobbed into his knees. He felt like he was going to puke. He just knew his sensei hated him now.

He ruined everything.

Miguel sat there sobbing for about 20 minutes until bright headlights shined in his face. He couldn't tell who it was but he shrugged it off and hid his face back in his knees.

Johnny sat next to his upset student with a heavy heart. He didn't know what Miguel was talking about. He thought everything was going great between the two of them even with Robby around...Sure he was a bit more distant, but nothing really changed.

He carefully set a hand on Miggy's shoulder accidentally making him flinch. That hurt Johnny's heart more than it should have,"Hey, it's just me.."

"I s-said to leave me alone." Miguel whimpered.

"Miguel, you know I'm not going to fucking do that. Just tell me what I did wrong." he groaned.

"I-It's not that fucking hard to see! He ruined everything! Can't you see that Johnny!?" Miguel sobbed.

The older blonde was taken a back..Miguel never used his actual name.

"Y-you don't get it and you deserve to be happy with your real son... Just leave m-me alone!" his heart shattered as he heard that come out of the boy's mouth..

"I'm not fucking leaving you alone, especially not when you're like this. I don't understand everything that's going on, but I'll try. Please just talk to me kid...I'm sorry." Johnny begged scooting closer to the sobbing boy.

He wanted to hold him until all the pain went away, but he wasn't sure if that was okay..

The smaller boy shook his head before wiping his face harshly of the stupid tears,"H-he ruined everything. He just came here and took you a-away from me. I-I know it's stupid, but you're all I ha-have. I miss you."

Johnny didn't know his heart could break anymore than what it already had.

He quickly took Miguel into his lap and held him. At this point he didn't give a fuck about anything else or how 'odd' it looked. He needed to comfort his boy.

Miggy slowly started to calm down as he shoved his face into Sensei's chest. He started to catch his breath and melted when Johnny began rubbing his back.

They stayed like that for what seemed like hours before Johnny finally spoke up, "I wish you would've told me sooner kid...I didn't know you were hurting so bad. Things with Robby are actually going well and I didn't mean to push you out of the picture....Miguel,"he guided the others face up to look at him," you know I love you, right?"

Fresh tears slid down the younger boys cheeks," Y-you love me?"

"I thought that was fucking obvious, of course I do. You'll never understand how I feel about you and how much you've done for me. Robby may be my real son, but you made me want to be a father and I don't think I'll ever love someone as much as I do you...and not in a weird way, I promise. " Johnny fully disclosed letting everything he was holding back..out.

Miguel was almost shocked. He's never heard his sensei express his feelings like that to anyone.

He layed his head back on Sensei's chest,"I love you too sensei."

"Thanks kid and as much as I love sitting here with you like this, my ass cheeks are almost numb. We can do this at home on my comfortable couch?" Johnny offered still rubbing Miguel's back.

Diaz let out a small laugh, "Sure. Let's go home."


Ooooo a new concept! I actually really liked this one. I hope y'all love it too! 💟

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