Demitri/Eli ~ Allergies

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Allergies: pollen, trees, dust, grass...all the devil to Eli. They made his nose run, his throat swell, and his eyes itch. Some weeks are worse than others, but he'd never show it. Not around anybody...but his boyfriend, Demitri.

The two finally got together after 12 years of friendship. Eli had admitted to Demitri that he's had a huge crush on him for years now...the feeling turned out to be very mutual.

Well, this week turned out to be the worst yet...

"Babe you don't—" Eli starts before sneezing.

"Yes, I clearly do and bless you. Eli please just let me take care of you." Demitri sighs, handing his boyfriend another tissue.

After he blows his nose, he groans, "I don't need to be taken care of. It's just allergies."

Demitri just rolls his eyes, laying next to Eli on his bed,"You have a low grade fever. Allergies don't come with fevers. I know you're a tough guy now, but I'm not taking no for an answer on this one."

"Fineeeee." the red headed boy then coughs into Demitri's chest.

He grimaces, pulling Eli closer, "You're lucky you're cute. That was gross."

"I know, I'm sorry." he pouts, snuggling deeper into his lover's chest.

"I'll make you some tea for your throat and since you're parents won't be home tonight..I'll make you my mom's famous 'get better now' soup." Dem explains, softly rubbing Eli's back.

"Shit dude, I love that stuff. You''d really do all that for me?" Eli questions as he glances up at his partner.

"Of course baby..I'd do anything to help you get better. I love you." the younger boy discloses proceeding with a kiss on Eli's sweaty forehead.

Eli's eyes widen. That's the first time they've ever said those three simple words to each other. He really wanted to say them first. He loves Demitri more than anyone ever could love someone.

"Was..was that too so—"

"I love you too D. I've always loved you." Eli kisses his lips quickly, "I really hope this is just allergies."


Kinda short, but I love these two! Hope yall love it too! ❤️

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