Miguel/Robby ~ Just Relax

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"I can't just relax Robby! Our new born daughter isn't taking to a bottle or my chest anymore! W-what am I supposed to do now?" Miguel cried out, pacing around their small apartment's living room as tears flooded his tan skin.

Miguel had only just given birth to their daughter, Luciana Marie Diaz, a month ago. The new young parents, just 21, were still learning the ways of parenthood and it was hitting them hard.

"Miguel please calm down. It's going to be okay. You have to trust me!" Robby stops him in his tracks and holds his fiancé close to his chest.

"We-we can't let her starve Robby. Why doesn't she want to e-eat?!" the new mama sobbed, feeling like a complete failure.

"I don't know honey, but she'll be okay. She'll eat and she'll get used to one of them. Just relax. This isn't your fault." Robby tried to soothe miggy the best he can, pulling them both onto the couch for cuddles..

Only silence and soft sniffles could be heard as the the couple relaxed into each other. But before the two could fall asleep, a tiny cry was made by their baby girl.

Miguel rushed into their shared room and picked her up immediately, "Hi honeybun..are you hungry? Will you please try to eat for mama?"

Luciana fussed, clenching Miguel's t-shirt in her tiny fist.

"I think that's a yes." Robby laughed quietly from the door way.

"God I hope so." he sighed, sitting in the soft rocking chair in the corner of their room. Miggy quickly discarded his shirt as Robby placed his nursing pillow on his lap, "Please baby girl..please eat for mama.." he whispered, gently trying to attach his fussy daughter.

Happy tears brim the small Latino's eyes as he watched his daughter start to nurse.

"I told you she'd be okay." Robby mumbled, sitting on the foot stool in front of them.

"Thank God..you scared mama and daddy honeybun. Please never do that again." Miguel murmured down to their beautiful daughter.

The new parents watched their daughter in awe. Their eyes never leaving her until she whined again.

"All done?" Robby asked with a frown spread on his face.

"Yeah. She's okay. She ate a lot actually." Miggy smiled, attentively burping Luciana.

"H-how do you know exactly?"

"My chest doesn't hurt anymore..and I'm not leaking because she finally ate enough." he explained now just holding her against his chest as he rocked her back to sleep.

The new father sighed in relief. He could never admit that he was nervous about his daughter not eating enough, but he was so happy she was finally okay.

" I love you both." Robby kissed the tops of his fiancé and daughter's heads, "I'm never letting go."


This one's cute! I hope yall love it! ❤️

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