Robby/Miguel ¦ Baby Brother

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"I screwed up."


"Miguel seriously."

"What now Robby?"

"I'm pregnant."

Miguel stopped stirring the spaghetti he was making them for dinner and looked up at the older boy in shock.

"M-Miguel?" Robby stuttered as he stepped closer to him.

"You're what?" Miguel finally asked.

"I-I'm pregnant." Robby repeated as he bit his lip.

The younger Latino shook his head before hugging the tearful boy in front of him. They held each other for a few moments.

"Hey, hey breathe. Breathe honey." Miggy whispered as he pulled away from the embrace, his hands holding his new step-brother's face.

"W-what am I going to do?" he blubbered.

"We'll figure it out, I promise." Miguel reassured him, bringing the boy back into his chest.

Miguel was about to say more soothing words when the apartment door opened, it was his mom,"Hey mijos. I'm ho- What's wrong?"

Carmen's son shook his head while he held Robby closer to him. The tattooed boy buried his face deeper into Miguel's chest.

Carmen took the hint and went into her and Johnny's room.

Once the coast was clear, Miguel kissed Robby's hair softly,"I have to turn off the stove before the apartment complex burns down then we'll go lay down, okay?"

Robby noded as he let Miggy out of his grasp.

Once the younger one made sure the house couldn't burn down, he led Robby to their room. The two laid down on his bed and instantly curled into each other. Miguel's hands then moved down to his step-brother's slightly extended stomach.

How had he not noticed?

That small act of affection made the older boy burst into tears again, "Miguel, what are we going to do?"

"Have a baby?" Miggy stated but it came out as more of a question. He sighed before he wiped Robby's tear stained cheeks gently, "We can do whatever you decide, I'll always be here."

"But I-I don't know." the pregnant boy whimpered, "I-I didn't expect it to be positive. I-I'm so sorry Miggy."

"It's not your fault baby. Please don't blame yourself.." Miguel pleaded.

"O-our parents are having a B-baby and getting married. We can't..W-we can't keep it." Robby sobbed as he placed one hand on top of Miguel's, their hands intertwining on his belly.

Miguel's heart broke at the statement, but he knew Robby was right.

"Okay." he sniffled, holding back tears of his own, "Whatever you want to do, we'll do."


A few weeks passed since the two boys found out they were expecting a baby and they avoided their parents like the plague. All the while, Miguel watched Robby's belly grow under his over-sized t-shirts.

They tried going to a planned parenthood, but they found out Robby was too late to have an abortion at 16 weeks pregnant..

"Miguel?" Robby asked, waving him out of his thoughts.

Miguel blinked a few times before answering, "Yeah baby?"

The older boy blushed at the nickname even though they never really labeled their relationship, "My stomach hurts." his hands holding his belly protectively.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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