Miguel/Robby ~ Surprise!

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It had to be the flu or maybe a cold..?

Robby was beyond concerned mixed with a lot of confusion as to why his fiancé was having all of these odd symptoms. From vomiting to bloating to having bloody and snuffy noses to extreme fatigue and weight gain..it was all happening for practically four months now.

Needless to say, Miguel finally went to the doctor to find out what the hell was wrong with him. The only problem for Robby was that he couldn't go with because he had to work..... unfortunately.

Robby couldn't help but be worried about him all day. Mr. Larusso even let him go home early after explaining why he was acting the way he was.

He was now sitting in their bed watching his favorite movie to try to help him calm down.

The worst case scenario was cancer. The best thing would just be a stubborn cold. It couldn't be cancer..It's not going to be cancer. He just had to keep telling himself that.

A sudden knock on their bedroom door snapped him up, he really needed to calm down.

"It's just me honey." Miguel giggled once he enter their room.

Robby jumped up from the bed and stood in front of Miggy, his heart pounding in his chest, "Is everything okay? Are you okay? That's basically the same question. Anyways, cold or can-"

"Whoaaa. Baby, everything's fine. I'm fine." the younger boy soothed as he held his fiancé's hands in his.

"But...but what about all of those shitty symptoms and the vomiting every day? They didn't say anything about it?" Robby was flabbergasted at how ignorant the doctors were..or so he thought.

"They did actually...they said a lot." he sighed quietly, pushing Robby back onto their bed gently.

Robby looked up at his partner with a baffled look crossed on his face while tears formed in his eyes, "Can you at least tell me if you're dying Miggy?"

"I'm not dying. I'm not dying baby, I promise. I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were that scared." Miguel whispers gently, wiping the tears from his future husband's cheeks, "This is a good thing..I hope you think so too."

Before Robby could mutter another word, an ultrasound photo was placed in his now free hands. As he looked at the little human imprinted in black and white his mind swirled with emotions.

"Surprise?" Miguel voiced in a soft tone.

Once Robby looked up he saw one of the most bewitching sights. His fiancé was holding his tshirt back to show off his belly...it all made sense now. They were having a baby!

"Robby..please say something. I-I know we're still in college but-" all of miggy's worries melted away as a soft kiss cut him off.

"You're not fucking with me? You're really pregnant?" Robby whispered in a hopeful tone.

"Nope. I'm really really pregnant." the smaller Latino gushed now guiding robby's hands to his baby bump.

"Best surprise ever."

~4ish months later~

Miguel was 36 weeks pregnant and Robby was set to graduate in only one weeks time from UCLA.

Miguel prayed to every God and even a few super heros that he did not go into labor before or during the most important ceremony of Robby's life.

When the day came everything was going great! The two got dressed together after some hot morning sex, which might have been a mistake. Everyone showed up to the ceremony even Robby's distant mother. Which surprised Miguel the most, but made Robby so giddy.

They were so close to calling Robby's name when Miguel started feeling stronger contractions as their little one was no longer moving around.

"Fuck." he muttered to himself, holding his belly, "Not now honey..please not now."

"Diaz, what's going on?" Johnny whispered trying to not to draw any attention to them.

"Nothing..we'll be fine." he groaned as quietly as he could, desperately trying to soothe his baby.

Johnny gripped his former students hand, realization hitting him in the face, "Y-you're in labor, aren't you?!"

"Robert Swayze Keene, Bachelor's of Science in Business Administration. Dean's list medal of honor recipient." The commencement speaker boomed into the microphone.

Miguel just nodded at the question as he scream-cheered for his fiance as he finally got his diploma he'd been working so hard for. They waved at each other and Robby had literally never looked this happy...besides when he found Miguel was pregnant.

The end of the ceremony couldn't come fast enough. The younger boy was in so much pain when he eventually got to congratulate his beloved.

"I'm so proud of you honey." he mustarded up his best smile as they held each other for a few moments.

"Thank you babe." the new graduate then kissed him with new found happiness.

Miguel hated that he had to possibly ruin this day for his fiancé and take all the attention off him. He deserved it..he deserved all of the attention to actually be on him for a change.

He groaned making the kiss stop and Robby go on full alert, "What's wrong Miggy? Are you having contractions? I-is the baby coming?"

"I-I think," Miguel took a deep breath and squeezed his hand, "I think our kid wants to congratulate you in person."

Almost 6 hours later their little girl arrived.

Miguel had already been 5 centimeters dilated when they all arrived at hospital. All of the pain was worth it in the end when he saw his fiancé holding their daughter, still in his dress clothes.

" She..she's so beautiful. I can't believe she's really here." Robby mumbled in disbelief as he stared at his baby girl with so much love clear in his eyes.

"She is..I can't believe we have a little girl." he smiled sleepily at his new family, "But I'm sorry you had to share your special day." he then sighed, guilt still eating at him.

"Oh my love..Why are you sorry about that? You just made this day even better. I wouldn't have it any other way." the new father reassured him, kissing the back of his hand.

Tears swelled in the new mama's eyes, "You always know what to say to make me feel better, but I'm still sorry. I-I tried so hard-"

"Hey, hey baby I'm not mad. We knew there was a possibility of her coming at any time within these next few weeks, you don't have to be sorry. I promise." Robby soothed, wiping away the stray tears.

"I love you..I love you both of you so much." Miggy curled up closer to them, laying his head on robby's shoulder.

"We love you too. I'll always love you." he whispered, delicately placing a kiss on both of their heads, "She's the best graduation present ever."

Aria May Diaz
May 13, 2025 @ 5:15pm
5lbs 7oz, 20 inches long

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