Robby/Miguel ~ My Boys

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Nobody prepared Robby for labor. Nobody.

He was now 35 weeks pregnant and even with a scheduled c-section on the horizon, he was scared as hell. Miguel, his boyfriend of six years, tried to reassure him that everything was going to be okay..but he was not convinced at all.

Their son had other ideas and did not want to waste any time.

It was just a typical night for Miguel and Robby. The high school sweet-hearts were lounging in bed watching some random movie on Netflix, when Robby started feeling a lot of pain all at once rush through his lower belly.

He had felt something like that before, Braxton hicks, so he didn't want to alarm Miggy. Robby knew his boyfriend was exhausted..he just didn't want to admit it. His eyes could barely stay open to watch the movie let alone..for the birth of their child.

Miguel had been working himself to the bone at the dojo since they found out that Robby was pregnant.

Robby really didn't want to be a problem tonight.

Another hour passed when soft snores broke him out of his thoughts. He smiled up at his partner before turning off the TV. That's when the contractions came in stronger.

The older boy groaned, clutching his stomach, "Baby boy please...not tonight." he whispered really trying not to wake up Miguel.

He curled closer to Miggy as he tried to soothe his baby boy. He prayed that their son would just hold off until morning.

It was going to be a very long night.


When Miguel woke up the next morning he was alone and that scared him.

A pain-filled groan caught his attention immediately. Miguel rushed towards the sound, into the kitchen to find...his partner leaning against the counter in a wide stance to brace himself. Obvious tears were rushing down Robby's crimson face. He was in so much pain...

Oh shit.

"Honey? Robby, what's going on?" Miguel spoke softly as he rubbed his back.

"I-I'm fine. J-just another contraction! Fuckk!" the older boy groaned louder, gripping the counter top edges.

"Contraction? Babe, how long have you been in labor?"

"Since...ughh," Robby whimpered, "s-since last night. I think around 1am?"

Miggy's eyes widened, "What the hell! Babe, why didn't you wake me!? You've been in labor for 11 hours. This could be-"

"Dangerous. I k-know. That's why I called Dr. Robertson. S-she said that it's fine and I can come in when m-my..fuck," Robby stopped for a moment to stifle a cry, "when my water broke. I'm sorry Miggy.."

"It's okay, it's okay baby. Your water hasn't broken yet, huh?" Miguel sighed, shifting Robby to lean against him carefully, "Put all your weight on me mama. Just breathe."

"I-it hasn't, but baby boy has dropped. H-he's so heavy." Robby sniffled, the contraction finally leveling out. He leaned against his lover as he held onto his hands.

Miguel held his green-eyed beauty close, "That means he's close baby...We need to get you two to the hospital."

A subtle wetness proceeded down robby's legs before another contraction rolled in, "Fuck! I-I think he water just broke."

"Let's go have a baby."


Robby's water had broken and he was already 8 centimeters dilated when the two arrived to the hospital. Less than two hours later, Robby had given birth to gorgeous baby boy.

Their little boy definitely had other plans.

Weighing just 5lbs, Luca Johnathan Diaz made his way into the world a painful, but beautiful one.

"He's beautiful.." Miguel whispered while he stared down in awe at his newborn son.

"He sure is...he looks just like you." the new mama whispered back as he smiled down at his baby boy.

"Oh Luca..You're going to be a heartbreaker." Miggy laughed softly, leaving a gentle kiss on his son's head.

Robby looked between his boys with the biggest, and most sleep deprived smile he could muster. He never wanted to lose them...

"My boys.."


Luca Johnathan Diaz
5lbs 1oz. 21 inches long
December 17, 2022 @ 1:45pm

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