Miguel/Robby ~Attempt Pt. 2

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Everything seemed so much harder without each other.

Robby had been in rehab for almost three months at this point in time. He wanted to get better properly for his kid and the man he so desperately wants to marry. He knew he couldn't help Miguel with anything if he still wanted to...yeah.

As Robby got better, he was allowed visitors. He was so excited to finally see his beautiful boyfriend after an entire month apart until...he realized how much of Miguel's pregnancy he had already missed. He was glowing really...the baby getting so big in his little rounded belly..

He kept reminding himself that he was there for them, for his new little family and that Miguel was not mad him. Miguel loved him no matter what.

Now, Miguel's six months pregnant and in desperate need of his boyfriend. Of course their friends and parents have been trying to help as much as he'd let them, but he just wanted Robby back in his arms. He wanted his partner to finally be able to feel their restless daughter kick through the night, to feel her hiccup in his belly, to pick out her name, and to even just find out that she is a she...

Today was the day at last! Robby got to come home!

After signing some papers and waiting almost an hour, Miguel eventually heard the sweetest sound, "Miggy?"

Miguel immediately turned around, happy tears and smile spread on his face, "Robby?"

With that they both rushed toward each other, Miguel waddled with his presious cargo.

Robby dropped his bag before he took his lover into his arms, tightly, "I'm never letting you go again..I love you so much Miguel."

"I love you too honey..we both do." Miggy sniffled, wiping his face on his sleeve as they pulled away.

Robby wiped his own tears, placing a hand on either side of Miguel's curved belly before giving his baby a gentle kiss "They've gotten so big since the last time I saw you..oh my God."

The last three weeks of Robby's treatment he wasn't allowed visitors for whatever reason. He never realized how fast a baby could grow in just three weeks..

"Sh-They have..I'm actually 24 weeks today." Miguel smiled at the adorable display of affection, almost slipping up on the pronouns.

Robby's smile grew wider and more tears slipped down his cheeks, "24 weeks? I really can't say this enough Miggy..I love you so much."

"I know honey, I know. We love you too. Lets finally go home, yeah?"


Miguel explained on the way home that he had moved in with Sensei or Robby's dad just two weeks prior and that Sensei was really excited to be a grandfather.
They also kept Robby's 'release' date a secret between the two of them. They wanted to surprise Johnny, who of course visited his son as much as he could, and Miguel had another surprise up his sleeve.

"Hey Sensei, I'm home! I hope it's okay that I brought a friend with me." Miggy announced trying to hide the giddiness in his voice.

"Hey Diaz! Do I at least know them?" Johnny voiced from the kitchen.

"You do actually." he giggled, holding Robby's hand tightly as they walked into the kitchen.

"Hi dad."

Johnny dropped the knife he was holding and spun around quickly, "Robby?! You're home? I-is it really you?"

"It's me dad. I-I'm home." he stuttered, trying not to cry.

Johnny engulfed his son in his arms holding him like he'd disappear.

They stood like that for awhile just holding onto each other, "I'm so sorry dad. Thank you for n-not giving up on me and Miggy." Robby whispered into his father's shoulder.

"I'll never give up on you or Miguel ever. I'm always here." he whispered back, kissing his son's forehead.

Miguel sat and watched the two most important men in his life reconcile, happy tears swelled in his eyes. His daughter seemed happy too because she decided to kick and move like crazy.

He didn't want to ruin the beautiful moment happening in front of him, but Robby hadn't got to feel her move yet...this must be a great time to tell them.

He bit his lip and held the bottom of his belly, "Babe? I don't want to ruin this moment but—"

"What's wrong? Are they okay?" Robby asked, instantly pulling away from his father's grip.

"We're okay. She's just moving honey. Come feel her." Miguel smiled making sure to put emphasis on she and her.

"M-my baby's really kicking?" Robby mumbled in disbelief and sat next to his boyfriend.

"Yeah. Right here," Miggy then placed robby's hand where their daughter was still moving around,"she's right here."

"Wait did you say she!?" Johnny gasped.

"Hold on..did you?! A-are we having a baby girl?" the older boy stammered his eyes as wide as quarters.

"I did. We're having a girl!" he exclaimed immediately getting pulled into a bear hug by the two men, "Careful of the belly guys. Don't squish her."

Bursts of laughter echoed through the small apartment.

Robby felt like he was in heaven. He was finally home.


There will definitely be a part three to this precious story. I hope yall love it too ❤️

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