Eli/Demitri ~ Developing Baby Oops

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(ED warning)

Demitri and Eli weren't as lucky as they'd hoped.

A month after they found out Eli was pregnant, they told their parents that they were even having a baby and keeping it. Eli's parents were furious to say the least. In fact, they were so furious and disappointed that they permanently kicked him out unless..he aborted or gave the baby up for adoption.

Thank God for Demitri's parents though. Mr. and Mrs. Adams were beyond excited to be grandparents and welcomed Eli into their home with open arms. Mrs. Adam's even tried to talk with Eli's mom, but she was not interested in anything anyone had to say about the topic. He did thank her for trying though. He just hoped one day his parents would come around..

With all the emotional stress he was being put through, Eli's grades were slipping along with his appetite, and the will to actually function. He didn't know what he wanted anymore. He was starting to think that maybe his parents were right... maybe he wasn't ready to be a parent.

His thoughts were spiraling as he sat on his and Demitri's bed doing some sort of algebra homework. Those thoughts and flashbacks of his parents screaming at him kept coming back in full force. He was on the brink of a break down when he felt instantaneous butterflies cross his stomach.

"H-hey...is that you in there honey?" he whispered down to their little one as he began to caress his belly. Suddenly, soft kicks pushed against his hand,"Hi honey...I'm so glad you're okay. M-mommy was really worried about you..I can't wait for daddy to feel you moving around in there."

It felt weird to call themselves that, but they were really going to be parents. Now that their baby was moving around it was all setting in for Eli.

"Hey babe, I'm back. Sorry it took so long. There was a massive line, but I got your apple juice." Demitri announced suddenly, sitting next to his boyfriend.

"Thanks D. It's fine." he mumbled, not taking his eyes or hands off of his belly.

"Eli, is everything okay with the baby?" Deme inquired with uneasiness laced in his voice.

"Everything's good..great actually. You have to feel this Deme." Eli beamed as he settled his baby daddy's hand where their baby was kicking.

"Th-that's our baby?!" the younger boy shrieked, quickly putting his other hand on the beautiful baby bump.

Eli giggled as he felt the baby kick harder, "That's our little baby oops."

"Oh my God...um,"he hastily shifted onto his stomach in front of Elijah's belly, attentively kissing where each kick landed," Hi munchkin..I'm..I'm your daddy and I can't believe you're moving already. "

Eli then shifted slightly so he was laying back in a more comfortable position as he watched his boyfriend talk to their unborn son or daughter. It was literally the sweetest thing he'd ever witnessed.


Hours passed by pretty quickly as the two soon-to-be parents talked to their little munchkin. They also figured out baby names, pregnancy safe jobs for Eli, possible godparents, and whether or not they were going to have a nursery.

Eli was even more emotionally exhausted by the end their conversation that he just curled in on himself in Demitri's side. Don't get him wrong he was over the moon when talking about the baby, but he thought he'd be more happy and physically tired than emotional. He was tired of being tired. He hated bringing down the mood because he felt like everything he did was..wrong.

The loss of appetite didn't help much either...His belly constantly growled for food and he knew he needed to eat because of his little miracle, but he couldn't find the energy to do it most of the time. Like now, as he's now curled up in Demitri's arms, his belly started to angrily growl at him.

"I'm sorry honey.." he whispered down to his weakly kicking baby.

"When was the time you actually ate, E?" Dem asked placing his hand on the small baby bump.

"I...umm," Eli bit his lip, "..breakfast?"

"Breakfast today, right?" Deme gulped, tears brimming his eyes.

"Y-yeah. I had some cereal. I tried really hard D, I promise...I'm just so tired all the time." the older boy mumbles, sniffling.

"I know baby...I know, but you need to eat more. The baby needs you to eat." massive tears fell from demitri's eyes quickly as he rubbed the growling baby belly.

"I-I know. I'm so sorry.." Eli curled closer to his boyfriend's chest, letting out a broken cry.

"Please baby..." he whispered, holding his overwhelmed sweetheart, "We can start small again like some butter noodles and toast? Anything is better than nothing honey."

The crying boy peered up at his lover, nodding. 

Demitri then carried his sobbing mess to the kitchen where he proceeded to make Eli's favorite garlic butter noodles. They ate in mostly silence with soft encouragements from Deme as he tried to get the love of his life to eat more.

He knew everything was taking a huge toll on Eli's mental health, but he didn't expect to watch his very pregnant boyfriend descend into a full-fledged eating disorder in front of his eyes. He didn't know it had gotten this bad...He didn't know how to help. 

"I-I can't eat anymore Deme...I ate more than half. My stomach feels like it's going to explode." the older boy groaned while he rubbed his baby bump. 

"Okay,okay...that's fine. " Dem sighed as put their bowls into the dishwasher," Is little munchkin kicking around in there?"

"Y-yeah a little bit. Right here." he smiled as he put Demitri's hand where their baby was moving around,"That's still weird to feel.."

Deme's smile widened as he rubbed the little belly,"I think they liked the noodles." 

"Y-yeah. Something that didn't make me vomit." Eli sighed, looking up at Deme,"I need help Demitri. I can't put this all on you and your parents, who have already done so much for me. My will to eat isn't coming b-back and instead of gaining baby weight, I'm losing it! I-I want a baby bump D! I-I want to look pregnant..it's weird I know, but I do." more tears filled the boys eyes once again,"I want to be b-better for baby oops and you. I-I can't keep doing this!" 

The brown-eyed boy swiftly took his now sobbing boyfriend back into his arms,"I'm so sorry I didn't see how bad you were hurting until now. We'll get you help, I promise."


Two months.

Eli spent two months in an 'Eating Recovery Center' for mild onset anorexia. By time he was able to go home, he could eat full meals again and he was back at normal weight plus some baby weight, which he was very happy about. 

He was six months pregnant now. He looked like he was six months pregnant now. His baby was very active, now developing better. He wasn't starving or hurting himself anymore. The only thing that kept him from being truly happy was knowing because of him...their baby girl would most likely be premature and have her own eating problems.. He'd also have to give birth within the next two months instead of what they had planned.

Therapy helped but those thoughts would stick with him for a long time. 


Yo! Sorry this took so long yall, I moved across the country and I'm exhausted. Anyways, there will be another part to this story! Hope yall love it! ❤️😌

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