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***~Arien's POV~***

        I winced as a sharp pain shot through my calves. Elentari and I had been crouching behind the short stone wall- that seperated the open air hall from where my Father, Elrond was holding council- for nearly an hour. It was especially difficult because I was wearing a dress. Normally I wouldn't have but Father made me because we had "Special visitors" as he put it.

     "Why can't we just go out there right now?" I asked Elentari grimacing.

"Ssh, they'll hear you. We can't go out there because we aren't even supposed to be here." She hissed, "I can't believe I let you convince me to do this."

      "Sorry, but you should stop being uptight El." I said using the nickname I had given her when I was three hundred.

      "Nine companions." My father's voice echoed through my ears and I froze. Elentari did too probably realising that this was important, "You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring." He said.

"We'll come!" I cry as I jump over the short stone wall.

Elentari chased after me, trying to pull me back, but failed.

"No, Arien go back to your room!" My Father demanded, "You too Elentari!"

"No! I've been stuck here for milleniums! I'm either going on this adventure or I'm running away!" I cried, "And Elentari's coming with me too!" I say pulling her beside me. I look at her face and she looks like she wants to rip my head off.

Elrond looks at me for a few moments, sighs, then nodds, "Fine."

We walk over to the big group that doesn't show much promise except for Legolas.

"So, the wonderful group consists of hobbits,an old man, a dwarf, humans, an elf, and two girls." One of the men at the meeting says laughing.

"I bet I can kill you faster than you can say girl and by the way I'm a woman!" I growl holding my bow in position ready to shoot.

"Arien! Back up!" Legolas says taking a hold of my arm and attempting to pull me back.

  "Well, now that this is all taken care of. Good luck." My father said smiling slightly.

        Then one of the Hobbits spoke, "Great so where are we going?" I giggled. He and I were going to get along very well. I could tell.


"Arwen, can I talk to you?" I ask knocking on Arwen's door.

"Yes, what is on your mind?" Arwen asked.

"Well, I joined this expedition to get Legolas's attention but I don't know if I got it." I said.

"I think you got his attention. Aragorn said that Legolas didn't stop talking about you afterwards." Arwen said smiling.

"Great! Now if you'll excuse me I have to pack for my adventure!" I called as I ran out of the room. Since I was running backwards I didn't see that Legolas was walking towards me. I fell into his arms.

"Oh sorry Legolus." I mumbled nervously.

"That's okay, I actually was looking for you." Legolas said in his dreamy voice.

"What do you need?" I asked.

"Well, I saw how confident you were about your bow and I was wondering if you wanted me to help you." Legolas murmured.

"Actually that would be great! I've been meaning to get some practice time in!" I said happily.

"Okay we'll get started tomorrow!" Legolas said before he turned and left.


Okay so this is the first chapter. Now I'd like to introduce myself, I'm Anna. My friend (Caroline) and I are writing this story together. I'm writing Arien's chapters and Caroline is writing Elentari's. Those are real "elf" names Arien means, royal fighter and young lady. Elentari means, Star Queen. Just to make it clear Elentari and Arien are sisters. They are also elf royalty. Elentari is a blonde, appears to be 20, and is very sensible. Arien is a red head, she appears to be 19, she is headstrong, and a great opponent with a bow

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