The Memory Comes

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We were stuck, in a tomb. This was not going to be fun! There were skeletons all around us. Most with arrows in them.

Legolas walked over to one of the skeletons and ripped out the arrow.

"These are goblin arrows." Legolas observed.

"There are darker and fowler things than Orcs here." Gandalf said, "We must keep moving!"

With that we left the entrance way and began traveling into the dark halls of Moria.


We were lost. It was a fact!

"I have no memory of this place." Gandalf had said. So now we were camped out waiting for him to recognise where we were.

Elentari as usual was talking to the dwarf Gimli. I had nothing against him he was just.....well, annoying so I decided to sit alone. I began fidgeting with the necklace that hung around my neck. It was a small pink jewel. Elentari and I had been given them when we were born.

"They may save your life before the end. You two have a strong bond. Keep it that way." Elrond had said.

I felt a chill rush down my spine. I didn't know if it was from the cold or from the fact that I couldn't stay still for long periods of time. Despite that I wanted to occupy myself so I held out my hand and a small flicker of a flame began to glow.

I smiled. I loved that I had the power of fire. I glanced over at Elentari. She was pulling at her necklace too. Apparently we had the same habits. Her necklace, though the same shape, had a different jewel. Her's was a sea glass blue one. It really reflected her personality. Calm and subtle though still strong and rough. She was like a ocean in a way. I was proud that she was my older sister.

"What's that?" Pippin asked pointing to the glowing flame that had grown substantially bigger.

"It's a flame." I said.

"I know. How did you do it though?" Pippin asked inquisitively.

"I have the power of fire." I explained, "Would you like to see a trick?" I asked.

Pippin-who was now joined by Merry- nodded excitedly.

I grinned and closed my palm. I took a deep breath and reopened my palm. In it was a small egg shaped thing. It was made of fire. Suddenly the egg began to open slowly and out crept a small fire dragon. It crawled up my arm and began growing. In about five seconds it was as big as Pippin. As a grand finale it flew up into the sky above us and blew up silently.

I bowed while Pippin and Merry clapped.

"You shouldn't occupy them with such things." Elentari scolded, "Father told you it wasn't safe to use those powers to much yet!"

I rolled my eyes and turned around and ended up face to face with Legolas.

"Will you stop creeping up on me like that?!" I snapped angrily.

"Sorry!" Legolas held up his hands as if to signal his defeat.

I shook that off and walked away. I sat down and waited. This could take awhile.


"Aaaaaah, I remember!" Gandalf said happily getting up and walking towards a open hall way.

"How?" Sam asked.

"The air does not smell as fowl down here!" Gandalf said, "Now come we have a journey ahead of us."

We crept into the main part of Moria and a sense of déjà vu washes over me. I'd seen this place before. Then it struck me, my dream! This was the never ending hall way. My heart began to race and my mouth was starting to feel dry. I couldn't do it any longer.

"This is the place from my dream!" I cried out breaking the awkward silence creating an even more awkward silence.

"Stay close to each other." Aragorn instructed.

No one said anything about my little outburst so I decided to remain silent. Suddenly Gimli burst into a sprint. Two things crossed my mind.

1: That's probably the fastest he'll ever run

2: Uh oh! What's wrong?

"Gimli!" Gandalf called but to no avail. Gimli kept running. Suddenly I broke down. Literally I fell to the ground. Everyone continued running after Gimli except for Elentari and Legolas.

"Arien! What's wrong!" Elentari's voice was panicked.

Suddenly I wasn't in Moria anymore. I was in a garden.

"The dream you saw does not show the whole story." A voice said. It shocked me so I swung around.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"That does not matter. Anyways, the dream you had was just conveying the fact that someone must die while your here. Though it may not be your sister."

Suddenly I was back in Moria. I decided not to waste time explaining what I saw so I jumped up and began running towards where Gimli and the others had gone. Elentari and Legolas followed close behind.

".....drums, drums in the deep." Gandalf read as we entered, "We can not get out. They are coming."

As if on cue a skeleton's head fell into a well. I looked over. Pippin. Of course! Suddenly the whole body fell in and following that the bucket fell in too. Wow Pippin!

"Fool of a Took!" Gandalf scolded, "Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity!"

Pippin cringed. It grew silent as a sound was heard.

It was the sound of drums, drums in the deep. Oh god! Something was coming.

"Orcs!" Legolas said. I looked over at Frodo. His sword was glowing blue. We flew into action. Boromir ran over to the door, suddenly an arrow hit the part of the door just above his head. He closed the doors and Aragorn helped him put a giant spear to "board it up".

Suddenly a grumble/shriek was heard from the hall.

"They have a cave troll!" Boromir said unhappily.

Suddenly the Orcs began banging on the door. I grabbed Legolas's hand but automatically let go when he gave me a look. This was going to be interesting.

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