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Elentari's POV


I found Rinorin standing outside in the ever darkening evening, standing watch.  I stood beside him and he just looked at me for a second.   I watched the water cascade down in the little light left from the disappeared sun.  I smiled, it was beautiful, but nothing to compare to Rivendell.  Rivendell.  A soon to be empty city that was once filled with cheer and music.  I have no doubt that Arwen has left.

I pushed all thoughts of home out of my mind.  But a tear managed to escape from my eye.  Rinorin saw it and went to brush it away.  I violently pushed his hand away the second it touched my cheek.  

"What troubles you, my fairest Star?"  He said gently.

"Everything grows cold."  I said looking at his beautiful face.  "I feel as if all the warmth of the world is gone.  I can feel evil stirring, I can almost feel the Earth wane and send out its distress call.  Yet I am but one and cannot fight an entire army."

I sighed and looked as his eyes grew sad like.  As if he suddenly understood I have been fighting for months now and could not take much more.  "But it is an army that takes down an army.  Every army starts with one man.  Many could argue that wars are won with strength or supplies or strategy; but it is the soldiers who carry out the strategy and bear the strength and supplies that win the war."

That cheered me up a bit.  I straitened up and wiped away the tear.  I immediately went to the point as to why I was out there.  "I have been given permission to visit my companions.  So if you don't mind, will you lead the way?"

Rinorin sighed and nodded.  He led me through the caves to a small area in the back of it all.  There sat Frodo and Sam.  Frodo was leaned up against a wall sleeping.  Sam was barely awake, but the second he saw me he jumped up.  "Elentari!  Boy, I haven't been so glad to see someone in a long time."

Frodo stirred and his eyes opened wide at the sight of me as well.  "Elentari!  How did you end up here?"

Rinorin stood behind and then came forward.  "Elentari?  So that is your name. I like it.  A pretty name for a pretty elf."

"Yes that's my name."  I walked over towards Frodo.  "Have they been treating you well?  And why didn't you rendezvous with me?" Frodo stood still and didn't answer me.  I nodded and turned to Rinorin.  "Can you give us a moment alone?"

Rinorin left us after bowing to me slightly.  I would have to beg he not do that to me.  He didn't even know I was an elven princess and he still did it.  When he was out of earshot Sam spoke up.  "It's so good to see you, Elentari.  I tried to get us to go directly west but Stinker insisted that would only put us off our course if we met up with you.  We were captured after we witnessed them taking down an oliphant.  They are larger than the songs say.  But they have been treating us fairly well.  And did you know that Boromir's dead?"

"Alas, I heard the news from his poor brother."  I looked at Frodo who opened his mouth to ask me something but I cut him off.  "I cannot get you out of here Frodo.  I could not spill the blood of these men and that is what it would come to."

He looked down disappointed.  "How did you find us?"

I smiled and almost laughed.  "Have you so little faith in my tracking abilities.  I stumbled across your tracks at the massacre sight.  I noticed all of the Gondor tracks and it is not hard to assume the rest.  I followed your tracks at a neck-breaking pace.  I was two days behind when I started, today the tracks were fairly fresh.  I was a five-minute walk from here when that soldier caught me.  And well let's say, I almost killed him and he, I."

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