Living in the Light

403 13 1

Elentari's POV


Traveling with a large group like this was taking longer than just with a few.  Though the lack of something to drink made things go faster.  But the group was quickly growing close.

Arien was becoming extremely close with Legolas. I was finding that the dwarf made lots of conversation.  He was a very friendly fellow who loved to joke and share stories of the mines.  I was finding him pleasant to be around.

But the one who interested me the most was the man.  Boromir I believe was his name.  I could tell something was troubling him in his heart.

The four hobbits were ever so humorous. Pippin and Merry were like the troublesome two.  They were always running around causing mischief, and eating.  With them there was always a shortage of food.

When nightime came, the wood around was wet from the rain that was happening earlier today.  Aragorn was trying to start a fire when it wasn't working.  Everyone was cold, wet, and hungery. 

I finally stood up wearily and told them all to step aside.  I stretched my hand up to the setting sun and caught the light of the sun.  I was tired and cold and wet, which I didn't like being, so I shot the light at the wet stack of wood and it burst into flames.

I was becoming impatient with everyone's super high spirits.  I didn't love sleeping on the ground, especially when we were camped out on the rocks.  The thin blanket didn't keep the uneveness out of my spine.

I decided to go for a walk into a section of the ever surrounding forest that never ends.  While walking, I heard whipering in the brush.  It was Arien and Legolas.

I went to the nearest tree and climbed.  I looked down upon them and listened in on what they said.  I didn't really pay attention to the talk, just to the fact that they both looked so happy. 

I don't remember what happened, just that I almost fell out of a tree when I heard everyone walking through the woods calling my name. 

I immediately went down and saw that I was only one who wasn't ready to travel.

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