Fire And Arrows

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***~ARIEN'S POV~***

We fled from the tomb. My heart was racing. We raced into the main part of the caverns. We skidded to a halt in the middle of the cavernous halls. We circled around each other in protection. Pippin moved closer to me as a instinct. We had grown close and he was like a younger brother to me. Legolas stood beside me probably because he was worried about me. I drew my bow as millions of goblins encircled us.

Suddenly a bright light began glowing from the end of the hall. All of the goblins seemed frightened by this sight and ran back into the cracks and creveses they had come from.

"Go," Gandalf said, "Go!" He repeated loudly. 

We ran as though our lives depended on it, which they kind of did. I flew after Elentari. Pippin was running slowly so I picked him up and continued running.

We ran towards a staircase. We flew down it. Suddenly arrows began shooting at us. Legolas and I shot back. The goblins didn't give up. Neither did we. Since the staircase had a break in it we would have to jump. Everyone jumped over then it was my turn. I jumped and landed in Legolas's arms. Oops. The only people left were Aragorn and Frodo. They stood there. Waiting. Why weren't they jumping?

The place where they were standing began to tilt forward. As it did I realised their plan.  

The stone touched the stairs and they jumped off. We started running again.  


We got to one last bridge we had to cross. The Bridge of Kazadum. I had read about it in my books. Yet I never thought I'd have to cross it. We flew across it but a beast arose from the depths. We all got across safely except for Gandalf.

He stood there.

"You shall not pass!" He cried. His voice echoed through the caverns. He thrust his staff to the ground and the beast fell into the depths. Gandalf turned to join us but he shouldn't have. The beast's whip flew up and snared his leg pulling him down. He grabbed into the ledge but it wasn't enough. He turned to us.

"Fly you fools, fly!" Were his last words before he let go of the ledge and fell into the bottomless pit.

"Gandalf!" Frodo cried attempting to run to him but Boromir grabbed onto him.

Aragon instantly tried to get everyone out. I followed my mouth feeling dry. This was my fault.

We ran out of the Moria. Everyone except for Legolas, Aragorn, and Boromir fell to their knees sobbing.

Everything around me seemed to be silent. I couldn't deal with this. The next thing I knew Legolas was wrapped his arms around me for a moment then took my hand and pulled me up. I had no idea where we were going next but I was hoping it was somewhere that I wouldn't be reminded of what I had done.


"Stay close young hobbits. They say an Elf Witch lives in this forest. All that look upon her fall under her spell. Well, this is one dwarf she will not ensnare in her trap!" Gimli said. It was obvious he didn't know anything about elves.

I ignored him and kept walking foward. My pace quickened as I sensed Elentari following me. Couldn't she understand that I wanted to be left alone?! I had looked at my reflection in a pool awhile back when we had stopped after Moria and my eyes had had flames in them. I was a danger to everyone yet, I couldn't leave them. I barely understood what was going on but I could decipher a bit. I wouldn't admit it but I was weakening. I was always fighting it. I was to deep in thought for my own good half the time so sometimes it became hard for me to fight. A whiping noise knocked me out of my thoughts.

Arrows were pointed at our faces. Legolas and I drew our bows in a heart beat while Elentari held up one of her daggers.

"The dwarf breaths so loudly we could have shot him in the dark." A voice says. Out of the shadows walks Haldir.

"Haldir." I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad it was him and not someone else.

"Come, the Lady of The Wood must speak with you." Haldir said motioning for us to follow him.

"Um....this is forest is not safe! We must turn back!" Gimli said turning to go.

"You are in the Realm of the Lady of The Wood. You can not turn back." Haldir said.

Gimli gulped. I laughed silently. We followed Haldir into Lothlorien. This was the place I loved. All of the bright elven lights and glowing homes. We walked up a winding stair case that lead to my Grandmother's home. When we got there Haldir stepped aside and Galadriel (My grandmother) and Celeborn (My grandfather) walked foward.

"Ten arrive here yet eleven set out from Rivendell. Where is Gandalf? I must speak to him." Celeborn observed.

Everyone was silent for a moment but then Aragorn spoke.

"We lost him in Moria."

"You shall rest here....." I heard my grandmother start but then I heard her voice in my head. It wasn't unusual I was used to it but what she said scared me.

I know about him. Legolas, Prince of the Mirkwood. You need council. Speak with me. You need to meet someone. She told me. I nodded slightly.


Later that night I saw Legolas walking out in the grass holding a small pitcher.

"A lament to Gandalf." He said softly. A silent tear slipped down my cheek. I could have prevented Gandalf's death but I was stupid and didn't realize it until it was too late.

I got up and ran away. Suddenly after running for a bit I realized where I was. I was in my grandmother's council room.

"Hello Arien." Galadriel said smiling slightly, "Here is the people I wanted you to meet."

From behind her two girls stepped out. One had long blonde hair. It was curled in perfect ringlets. She looked as though she was at least fifteen. She had a blue, velvet tunic on with a sword in a hilt at her side.

The other had shiney black hair that was in a ponytail. She appeared to be seventeen (in appearance, she was probably actually like three thousand). She had a purple tunic on, it looked more silky. She had a spear in her hand.

"This is Losswen," She said motioning to the blonde, "And this is Gwaewen." She said tilting her head towards the other girl.

"Cool," I said, "So why did I need to meet them?" I asked.

"They are now your companions so they will be accompaning you on your journey." Galadriel explained.

I nodded in consent, "Okay then. We set off in the morning." I directed this to Gwaewen and Losswen.


The next morning we set off. For the second time I was leaving a place I loved. Gwaewen and Legolas seemed to be getting along pretty well so I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. It wasn't that I didn't want Legolas to have friends. It just seemed like Gwaewen was flirting with him.

I ignored that and sat down in the boat with Legolas and Losswen. Oh well, I couldn't be jealous. I wasn't really even dating Legolas. I needed to tell someone about what had been happening to me. So I decided that when we got to camp I would tell Legolas.

"Here goes nothing." I mumbled under my breath as we set out for our next destination.

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