New Beginnings

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***~ARIEN'S POV~***

I turned around staring sadly one last time at the place I had called home for milleniums. I wiped away a small tear that had fallen down my cheek. I waved goodbye to everyone I knew and loved hoping I would see them again.


We had been traveling for eight days and it seemed as though Elentari, Legolas, and I were the only ones in good spirit. It must have something to do with being an elf. Gandalf and Aragorn were in mildly good spirits but they weren't as "happy" as us elves. I had done my best not to fall for Legolas but as the journey progressed it became harder and harder to just be friends. Traveling with someone for a week on rough terrain can really change your view of them. For example I'd always thought of dwarves as tough but Gimli was constantly complaining.

"Can't we stop to eat and rest?" He had said this complaint repeatedly.

It was about five in the morning and it was obvious that Gimli and the hobbits weren't happy about it. Since they "Didn't want to use to much energy in the early morning" they trudged slowly behind us. We had been put in pairs or groups. Gandalf and Aragorn were in charge of taking care of the hobbits. Elentari and Gimli were in charge of food (which neither were happy about). Frodo, Sam, Pippin, and Merry were in charge of the ring (obviously). And last of all Legolas and I were scouts, they always sent us out in the early hours of the day to look around and see what paths were safe and which were not.

This of course played to Legolas as an advantage. He got me alone. Every morning from two to four. He hadn't tried anything yet but I always counted on awkward silence.

This morning seemed to be different. Legolas and I were still ahead of the group but our conversation was more relaxed.

"So, know how I'm trying to make you fall in love with me?" Legolas asked. Scratch what I said about the conversations not being awkward this morning. This was getting very awkward.

"Yes?" I said questioningly.

"I think it's working!" He announced.

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

"Well two things. The first is that you always seem to be looking at me, the second is your sister told me that your thoughts are filled with images of me. She said that you especially love my eyes." Legolas laughed. I didn't find it funny at all. Mostly because it was true. I was always looking at him wondering why life can't just be easy. I also was always thinking about him and his eyes were my favorite.

"That may be the last thing she ever tells anyone!" I growled.

Legolas laughed. His laugh was so soft and sweet, yet still masculine. It wasn't the laugh you'd expect to come from an elf. Then my gaze shifted to his eyes. They were clear blue. They shone when he laughed. The color of his eyes were like an ocean. I mentally shook my head. I couldn't fall in love with him. If he knew what I was thinking he would know for sure that I really did love him but I couldn't let that happen.

"Arien? If you weren't being forced to marry me would you love me?" Legolas asked shocking me out of my little day dream.

"I'm not at liberty to discuss that." I said trying to ignore him.

"You're afraid." Legolas said softly.

"What! I've never been afraid in my entire life! If I was afraid would I have come on this trip? If I was afraid would I have been fine with the prophecy? If I was afraid would I have been appointed this scouting job?" I ranted. When I finally noticed that I was rambling I stop, "The point is, I'm not afraid!"

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