The Prophecy

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***~Arien's POV~***

"No! Don't take her!" I cried. I was trapped. I was stuck in a hallway. A seemingly never ending hallway at that. Tiny creatures, gobblin like things were pulling on Elentari's arms cutting her flesh. Even I felt sick at that sight. I tried to tell Elentari to struggle but all that came out was, "That's my sister!". I tried to pull out my bow but my hands were seemingly glued to my sides. I felt a warm hand touch my wrist, pull up my arm, and kiss my hand.

"I promised your father I would protect you and I never break my promises," a velvety voice whispered in my ear. The same velvety voice I'd heard this afternoon...The same person I'd run into.

No! Legolas! He was running after Elentari trying desperately to her hand and pull her back to safety with the rest of us.

I again tried to say, Don't leave! But something else completely different came out, "I love you Legolas! Don't leave me!"

If I hadn't been so pretrified that might have been a time to blush or even a time to laugh but I was scared stiff.

"I love you too!" He called, yet he was so far away it was barely an echo. The last thing I saw my sister and my true love had fallen into a firey cavern.


"Arien! It's okay we're here," Elentari's voice crooned softly.

Wait, Elentari's voice! Hadn't her and Legolas just plumeted to their deathes? The the realization hit me, it had all been a dream!

"Arien, calm down! You're safe now," Legolas said smoothing my hair back (at least I assumed it was him because it sounded like Elentari had moved across the room now).

My eyes flew open and frantically darted around the room.

"My maps! Where are my maps and charting books!?" I cried spazing a little bit.

"Over here on your desk, why?" Elentari asked in a monotone.

"I need to see them!" I wailed loudly, "Otherwise you two might die!" I cried even louder gesturing to Elentari and Legolas. I flew across the room to my desk and began tearing up the surface's previous "cleanliness" by ripping apart all of my small boxes where I kept my traveling notebooks in.

Since everyone in the room was looking at me like I was crazy I explained the dream to them and that I feared that it was real.

Elrond caught his breath, "Arien, yesterday was your 1000th birthday, correct?"

"Yes why?" I said my previously frantic voice calmed down a bit.

"The prophecy is real!" Everyone (Arwen, Elrond, Legolas, Elentari, and Aragorn) gasped.

"What prophecy?" I asked confused.

"Oh it's nothing! It just says that the youngest daughter of Elrond will become a Future Seer and die unless she finds and earns the respect and love of the Prince of Mirkwood." Elentari says casually shrugging.

"What!" I screamed, "Why didn't you tell me!"

Elrond shot Elentari a death glare, "We didn't think it was true."

"Next time I have a death warrent that I just have to see one dream to sign give me a heads up!" I screeched.

I let that little prophecy sink in and then screamed, "Wait so I have to marry Legolas!!! I'm only 1000 years old!! You've got to be kidding me!!!!"

"I thought you had a crush on Legolas," Elentari teased not improving my mood. That was one of her two gifts, reading minds, sometimes it came in handy others, not so much.

I felt a blush build up on my face, "Shut up!" I grumbled under my breath.

"I'd be fine with this if it wasn't a life or death situation! Is there anyway I can change the prophecy?" I asked desperately.

"Well yes actually," Elrond said after a moment of thought, "You have to destroy the ring. Although I'm not exactly sure it will work, though it might be a loop hole."

"Okay then! Let's go to Mordor!" I said happily. Completely forgetting that if I wanted to prevent my sister's death I had to look at my journal.

Funny how when love is forced upon one most of the time you decline even if you truly do love the person!


"Arien!" Legolas yelled after me.

Oh great!, I thought, Now I have to make up some lie about something!

"Arien! Wait for me! I must speak with you!" He called again. I slowed my stride a little but not much.

When he finally caught up with me he was panting, "Arien...your to you!" He panted.

"What is it that you need?" I asked putting my best "royal" voice on.

"I wanted to speak to you about the prophecy," He said his pale cheeks turning light pink.

"So, what is it you would like to adress?" I said still using my "royal" voice.

"It's about the falling in love thing,"

No, no, no! This is exactly what I was afraid of!

"I think we should atleast try to fall in love," He said pitifully.

"It's not that easy Legolas!" I stated. Ah boys and men! So ablivious to the ways women fall in love!

"Fine! Have it your way, but I am going to find a way to make you fall in love with me whatever it takes!" He said very determined.

"And I am going to try to find a way not to fall in love with you!" I said, "We can't be anymore than friends!"

"It's on!" He said in his velvety smooth voice. With that he turned on his heel and left.

Looks like the archery lesson is out of the question! I thought grinning inwardly to myself. I was so gonna win this!


ARIEN: Lucy Hale

ELENTARI: Amanda Seyfried

LEGOLAS: Orlando Bloom

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