Sisterly Love.....Maybe

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***~Arien's POV~***

It was the first snowfall of the year. For me at least. It never snowed in Rivendale. The icy structures tickled my cheeks. I wrapped my self in the elven cloak that I'd brought from home. I inhaled it's scent. It smelled like roses and pine, a strange combination but it smelled like home so it comforted me just the same.

"Are you crying?" Pippin asked. I hadn't noticed that my sad thoughts had brought on a fresh wave of emotion. Seconds after Pippin pointed out that I was crying I felt my tear harden on my cheek. It had grown so cold that my tears were freezing.

"No!" I said attempting to wipe away the frozen droplet.

"Okay," Pippin said quietly, "I just thought you might miss your home."

How did he know that!? I ignored the pushing feeling that was telling me to ask him how he knew that and walked in a more brisk pace.

We'd been arguing over a period of two days deciding whether or not to take the road to Moria, now it was getting out of hand.

"We have to go to Moria!" Gimli yelled over the roaring wind to Boromir.

"It's not safe! We must take a safer route!" Boromir yelled back.

Gimli started to say something but stopped when he saw Gandalf hold up a hand.

"Silence." Gandalf instructed, "We shall let the ring bearer decide."

Everyone turned their attention to Frodo and I could tell that he was uncomfortable. He glanced down at the ring that was on a chain around his neck.

"We shall...take the road to Moria." Frodo stated quietly.

Gimli shot Boromir a triumphant look while Boromir sulked, frowning at the choice Frodo had made.

"Are you sure..." Boromir started.

"I'm sure," Frodo said.


My spirits had been crushed. I had experienced five days without talking to Legolas except the occasional chat about whether or not the road was safe because Orcs had passed through it three weeks ago (Legolas had won that battle. I said it wasn't safe but no! He had to be right!).

At this point I just wanted to talk to him! It wasn't fair he was spending all his time with Elentari! I didn't think he understood the phrase, "I'm not interested." because Elentari was not interested. The last guy she'd had a relationship with had ended with his death. Poor Elentari had not taken that well. Even though Legolas was an elf and would live forever she understood that he was mine!

"Arien! I need to tell you something!" Elentari squealed (And you thought I was the crazy one!).

"What?" I asked moping.

"Legolas is totally in love with me!" Elentari gasped out. Wow! I can't even trust my own sister!

"What!" I screeched, "You know that I like him!"

After that last cry I had the attention of the hobbits and Gimli. Oops.

"What do you care. You said you were trying not to fall in love with him anyways!" Elentari yelled back.

"Oh wow! You're the one who can read minds! By the way you might want to see what's happening in my mind right now!" I snapped. I visualized her head getting chopped off by an Orc. I felt bad but I couldn't resist.

"That wasn't nice!" Elentari said.

"Well that's for stealing my..," I stopped and replaced it with a word that wouldn't embarass me, I was going to say boyfriend but I decided on something else, "friend!"

Now we had the attention of Gandalf and Borimier. Great!

"Well you know what! I'm not going to bow down to you! I'm older than you and I'm better for him!" She yelled.

That hit a nerve, tears began pouring out of my eyes. I couldn't believe that she had said that. Now what I hadn't wanted to happened happened, I had Legolas's attention. I didn't meet his eyes. I ran into the forest trying to get away from everything. 


   I wiped my tears away from my eyes, I was hiding up in a tree. I couldn't believe Elentari had said those things, we had always a had a strong sisterly bond but now everything was messed up. My tears welled up and cascaded from my eyes. I remembered the look in Elentari's eyes when she had said those things. Wait! Elentari's eyes! A frightening thought struck me, her eyes had been a cloudy, milky color. I was suddenly reminded of something Arwen had told me long ago, "If someone is not acting like their normal self and their eyes are milky and glassy they are posessed."

  Elentari had been posessed! Then a horrid thought wondered into my mind. What if whoever was posessing Elentari wanted to get me away! I had to get back to the group. I remembered we had said that we were going to camp out about 5 miles from here.

           I jumped down from my place in the tree and began to run. As I flew across the snow (I was running on top of it) I drew my bow so that I would be ready to fight if needed when I got there. Two minutes later I was at the camp. I sensed that I was to late, but I wasn't.

         "Elentari, what are you doing?" I heard Aragorn say calmly. The undertone was frantic and loud enough for me to hear. I flew into action. I ran to the tent where I'd heard the voice, crashed through the door way and threw myself infront of Legolas, Frodo, and Aragorn. I suddenly felt a piercing pain in my left arm. I cried out in pain and fell to the ground. I could see Elentari's previously misty eyes become clear. Her head snapped to look at me and her eyes grew big.

    "Arien! What happened?" She began to cry. She ran to my side and tried to pull the knife out of my arm. I grimaced and tears began to fall out of my eyes.

     " threw a was going to hit us but.....Arien...she tried to block us." Frodo gasped out.

          I saw Elentari's face become distressed, "I was posessed." she said. That was the last thing I heard. After that darkness over took me. That may have been the last thing I heard but the last things I felt were Legolas kissing my forehead and someone pulling the knife out of my arm.

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