Mixed Feelings

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••Gwaewen's POV••

I could feel myself being jostled around. What was going on? Then memories came flooding back. Orcs. Losswen. Pippin & Merri. I groaned and tried to lift my head. That's not so easy when an orc has your hands bound and is carrying you like a potato sack. I managed to see Losswen, Pippin, and Merri all on orcs. Anger surged through my body. I wished more than anything to reach back, grab my spear, and shish-kabob every orc in sight. That wasn't possible, sadly.

Suddenly the orcs threw us on the ground grumbling. Fortunately, a rock was right where my head landed (note the sarcasm). I felt myself go unconscious. However, a small part of me heard every word that was said. I heard Pippin, Merri, and Losswen whispering.

"What about Gwaewen?" Merri asked. Yeah, what about Gwaewen?

"Just leave her! She will be okay. Go!" Losswen whispered. Wait, what?!

I heard them get up and run. I tried to pick myself up, but nothing would respond to my brain. I lay limp and useless, and could do nothing but let an orc follow my sister & the hobbits.

I suddenly heard arrows whizzing overheard and men shouting. Everything was so confusing, and I couldn't even open my eyes to see what was going on. Then suddenly a thought hit me.

They left me.

Alone, unconscious, and with a bunch of starving orcs to die.

I could feel my body go even limper from the pain of the thought. I refused to believe it, but something told me it was the truth.

The next thing I knew, the yelling and arrows stopped, and I felt strong arms pick me up and set me on a horse. And then the pain overcame me, and everything went dark.


The next thing I could remember was a blinding light. What in Middle Earth had just happened? I moaned and tried to open my eyes. I suddenly realized they already were open.

"Are you okay?" a voice said behind me. I jumped and whisked around despite my aching body.

A man was sitting on a horse. He was clad in armor, and wore a funny helmet with horse hair flowing from the top.

"Yeah, I guess. Who are you? Where am I? What just happened? Where's Losswen and the hobbits?" I fired off questions, desperate for answers.

He laughed. "First of all, I am Eomer, nephew to King Théoden," he said with distaste. "And you are in Rohan at the moment. As to what just happened, I'm not so sure myself. All I know is that me and my riders found an orc party passing through and attacked. I don't know who those people are you mentioned, but all I know is that you were the only non-orc we found." he said. "Is that all your questions?"

I nodded. He thankfully then took off his helmet. The horse hair was beginning to creep me out.

"Now I have a few questions for you. Where are you from? Why were you traveling with orcs? Why do you carry spears with you? And who are you?" he intogerated .

I looked at him suspiciously, then sighed. Even if he was an orc spy, I couldn't give him any vital information by answering his questions.

"I am Gwaewen, of Lothlórien. I was traveling with orcs because they kidnapped me, my sister, and two hobbits. And I carry spears with me so I can stab people I get annoyed with," I said coldly.

He looked at me in surprise. His eyes were like the earth- dark brown, deep, and strangely warm. My eyes were just plain blue.

"Alright then, Gwaewen, do you know how to ride a horse?" he asked.

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