Not What I Was Planning

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Losswen's POV


I woke up to Pippin whisper yelling my name.  His normally miscivius eyes were full of fear.  Of coarse I couldn't blame him.  We were tied up on an orcs back, heading who knows where.

"Where is Gwaewen and Merri?" I asked.

"Over there," said Pippin, pointing to the orcs in front of us.  "Where are we going?"

"I don't know."

"You can't read their minds?"

"No, I don't have powers like Arien and Elentari."

"Oh." Pippin replied.  I could tell he was disappointed.

"They are just afraid of us.  We've done nothing wrong." I told myself.


The orcs threw us on the ground.

"I'm hungry!  We've had nothing but stinkin' maggots bread for three days! There's nothing to eat!" one of them complained.

"What about them?" another said pointing to Merri, Pippin, Gwaewen and I.  Gwaewen was still out cold.

"They are not for eating!" the lead orikai yelled.

"What about their legs? They don't need those." the second orc suggested.

A fight broke out between two of the orcs.  One was killed.

"Looks like meat is back on the menu, boys!" the lead orikai said.

"Losswen! Merri! Lets go!" Pippin whispered.

"What about Gwaewen?" Merri asked.

"Just leave her!  She will be okay.  Go!" I said.

We army crawled for a little bit.  Pippin found an abandoned ax and started to cut the ropes binding his wrists.  Once he was done he helped Merri and I untie our ropes.

We ran as fast and as quietly as we could.  Unfortunatly an Orc saw us before we could see him.  I swore in elvish under my breath.  Orcs must really enjoy making my life miserable - they had already messed up everything about it.

"Run faster!" I hissed, pushing the hobbits as the orc gained on us.

Merri sped up, but I swear, Pippin was as fast as a dwarf with a broken leg.  The orc was so close I could hear him mumbling.  Frustrated, I swore again.  Then I got an idea.  Pippin was right beside me, holding us back.  I grabbed his hand as tight as I could, pulled and managed to throw him a couple feet.  Then I ran for my life.

Did you know that, despite their smallness, hobbits weigh twice what they look like they might?  Yeah, I found that out the hard way.

But the orc caught up with Pippin and I.  Pippin tripped, and before I knew it, the orc was on top of Pippin with a knife.  Then suddenly an arrow lodged itself into the orc's back.  I could hear men shouting but I couldn't dicifer what they were saying.  Pippin pushed the dead orc off of him.  But all I could see was the horse coming straight towards him.

And then the horse reared right in front of Pippin's face.

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