I Find Somone, Lose Someone, Love Someone

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***~ARIEN'S POV~***

Okay, normally I'm a morning person but this particular morning I was not. And of course it had to be the morning we were traveling to Helm's Deep.

I'd had four accidents where I'd almost fallen off my horse.

I watched Gweawen and Legolas as they raced and rose up to meet them. I noticed a victorious smirk on Legolas' face and quirked an eyebrow.

"What's Legolas smirking about now?" I asked as I pulled Cúnes to a halt.

Legolas began to answer but Gweawen interrupted him, "He won a race, that's all."

"Oh." There was a moment of awkward silence, "Well, do you two want to ride with me up in front?"

Gweawen gave me a nonchalant shrug, while Legolas nodded happily. Gosh, that guy was incredibly happy and awake in the early hours of the day.

I tapped Cúnes' sides with my heels and began riding towards the front of the mass. Gweawen and Legolas followed me. As we piloted through the crowd Legolas began moving his horse closer to mine, trying to talk to me. Strangely enough, Gweawen remained silent. I glanced over at her and immediately recognised the look in her eyes. She was thinking about Eomer. I had nothing against her and Eomer being together, but she would so learn- as I had- that sentiment is the chemical defect found on the losing side.

"Did you see Gweawen and I racing?" Legolas asked with a grin.

"Yes." I stated simply.

"I won, Gweawen was really far behind me."

Oh, hello Mr. Egotistical, I was wondering when you'd stop by and say hello.

"I saw that too." I didn't meet Legolas' eyes. I could tell that me ignoring him like this was driving him insane. He was the kind of person who was quiet but needed attention.

"Okay, what's wrong?!" Legolas burst, throwing his hands in the air.

"Lego, it's six o'clock in the morning. What do you think is wrong?" I grumbled, crossing my arms.

"Yes, I know it's early but tha- wait a second, did you call me 'Lego'?" LEGO asked, giving me a strange look.

"No, I didn't." I gave him an innocent look and turned around to look the other way.

As I heard a yelp, my head snapped in the direction of the noise. I chuckled when I realised it was just Gimli. He had lost all control of his horse and fallen off.

Legolas and Gweawen both laughed too. I quickly stole a look at Eowyn and Aragorn, they were both smiling at one another. My grip tightened on the reins, I could only think one thing about Aragorn, currently, and it was, 'Traitor......'


That night I sat to the side of the fire. I held my dagger and began carving different patterns into my bow. I carved a flame and a small horse.

My senses flicked on when I heard two laughs off to my left.

It was Eowyn, and guess who else? Aragorn! The fact that Aragorn wasn't ignoring Eowyn was annoying me to extremes.

I glanced over at Gweawen, Eomer, Gimli, and Legolas. Gimli was swatting some gnats away from his food while Eomer sat beside him with an amused look on his face. Gweawen and Legolas lay on the ground beside one another. Gweawen had fallen asleep but Legolas tossed and turned. I felt bad for him, though I decided to do nothing because I needed to focus on spying on Eowyn and Aragorn. The mission lasted for awhile but I slowly grew tired. I discovered that I was fighting to keep my eyes open so I fell- literally, I fell- onto my bed and slipped into a dream filled sleep.

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