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Your parents were upstairs getting ready and it was clear that they had heard you from upstairs. "Ah, (y/n)! Come on get dressed!" You walk upstairs seeing your mother doing her hair in the bathroom and your father fixing his suit. You open your closet and put on your dress that your mother suggested you wear. Before heading into the bathroom to fix your hair, you looked in the mirror. "This plan better work." Your mother knocked on your room door. "Sweetie come on let me do your hair." She fixes your hair and you both head downstairs, your father following after. You looked at your mother. "What about Asahi? He's just staying home?" Your mother nods. "He's tired and is most likely going to take another nap. I said he can call Suga and Daichi over if he wanted but that's up to him. Now get in the car or we'll be stuck in traffic." You sat in the backseat rolling your eyes once your parents got in. On your way there, you sparked a conversation. "I don't understand why you couldn't just say I was sick and couldn't go." Your father glanced at you in the tiny mirror on the ceiling of the car. (Idk what they're called so) "Let's not start this right now please..." You glare at him through the mirror. "It's just stupid, you only care about yourself if you're putting me through this." "My hands are tied (y/n). I have no other choice." There was no reason to fight back since it wouldn't make him turn the car around but you snapped. "Oh please, you say that but it's all for the money and that partnership with your boss! You don't give a damn about what he did to me!" "I do give a fucking damn about you! But I also care about this whole fucking family! This partnership is not about the money, it's about keeping this god damn family safe! If the marriage were to go south, what do you think he would do to your mother and me? Asahi even?!" Your mother put a hand on his leg. "Honey that's enough..." He stays quiet and you started crying in the back. He never yelled at you like this a lot, but when he did it's because he was really pissed off. Its true you both had good points about the situation but it was clear that what Akuno did to you should not be forgiven. The rest of the drive was quiet on your way to the manor.
~~~BACK AT DAICHI'S~~~ After an awkward amount of silence, Daichi answered his mother. "It was a girl..." His mother sighed. "I knew it! Now I don't want to get into detail about what you did with this girl but I do want to know why you didn't tell me?" Daichi felt a knot grow in his stomach. "I just felt like you wouldn't understand... you guys put a lot of pressure on me and h- she doesn't." His mother rubbed his arm. "Aw sweetheart I'm sorry. I wish you would have told us what was bothering you. Well, tell me all about her!" Daichi didn't realize how much shit he would have to make up. "Um she's very pretty and really smart. She's plays volleyball too." She smiled at Daichi gushing about his "girlfriend" and she cuts him off. "What's her name?" He began to hesitate. "Her name? Oh um Hana."
She smiled. "When can I meet her? I should be able to since you've brought her over without me knowing." He could sense her passive aggressiveness. "Well um I mostly talk to her online. I met her in person for the first time today. But we didn't have sex, she asked if she could change out of her school uniform upstairs, I was in the kitchen when she changed." "Why was it in your room." "She wanted to borrow a sweatshirt." "Well the next time you two wanna meet in person, I wanna meet her." He nods and she gets up from the couch. "No more secrets Samuwara. Promise me." He gets up and hugs her. "Promise." His stomach felt sick as if he were about to vomit. She heads up to her room and Daichi goes up to, crashing onto his bed. He rubs his hands over his face. How was he going to keep this up? Was this even the right choice? He was too tired to answer.
Just then, Suga tried FaceTiming Daichi but he didn't answer. He was too busy holding back vomit. He called again, and this time Daichi answered. "Hey babe you ok?" Daichi shakes his head. "I almost got caught today..." Suga's eyes widen. "No way! How? What did you say?" "Well you left your skirt here and my mom found it." Suga groaned. "Shit, I'm so sorry." Daichi sighs. "It's fine I told my mom I had a girl over and she changed in my room." Suga's face was puzzled. "So you told her you had a girlfriend?" Daichi nodded. "Yeah I did, so she's not suspicious of us." Suga paused. "Yeah wouldn't want to get caught with me right?" Daichi noticed the tone in his voice. "Koushi you know I didn't mean it like that-" "I have to go, cant have my mom catching me on the phone with you too long or you know she'll get suspicious." "Suga that's not what I meant-"
It was too late, Suga had ended the call and Daichi groaned. Usually when the two would fight it wouldn't last longer than 3 or 4 days. Those fights weren't as touchy as this one was. It was going to be extremely tough for both of them to sleep tonight.
In Suga's house, he laid in his bed with tears swelling in his eyes. He couldn't believe Daichi lied about their relationship. He understood that Daichi's parents were hard to talk to but he was furious that he would make up a lie because he didn't want to deal with coming out. Suga struggled with telling his own parents but if it were him in that situation, he would've.

Nishinoya x Reader Book 2Where stories live. Discover now