Body Language

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The excitement continued on the bus. The drive to Nekoma was filled with screams of joy. You and Nishinoya would laugh at when Hinata would give out a high pitch scream from time to time. Tsuki and Yamaguchi were the only ones on the team that weren't shouting. The bus came to a stop in the Nekoma parking lot. The team grabbed their things and walked into the school. Nekoma's team was already warming up with some exercises. The boys began their warms up, and you helped filled their waters with Kiyoko and Yachi. You three were laughing and talking and Kuroo waved to you and jogged over. Kiyoko and Yachi left and went to the gym. It was just you and Kuroo alone in the hallway. "So what did you want to talk about?" Your face was puzzled. "What do you mean?" His face made the same expression. "You texted me that you wanted to talk to me. I thought you said you weren't going to the game?" You took out your phone. "You never texted me." He laughed. "Nope we definitely were texting." He pulls out his phone and shows you texts. Then it finally clicked in your head. You were texting him not Akuno. Your eyes widened and you face palmed yourself. "I'm sorry I thought I was texting someone else!" He laughed. "It's cool. It kinda seemed like you didn't know it was me. So you don't have to talk to me?" You glanced back at the gym. "W-well not really. Unfortunately..." You placed an awkward smile on your face. He brushed his fingers through his hair. "Who did you think you were talking to?" You looked around deciding whether to explain the whole story with Akuno. "I though you were this um...guy who I'm not on good terms with." "Oh like your ex?" You waved your hands in your face shaking your head. "Nonono! We never dated!'s complicated." "Ah I see. Yeah no worries, I understand." You sighed with relief. "We should probably head back now cause the game will start soon." He nodded in agreement and you both went inside the gym. The boys finished their warmups and Nishinoya jogged over to you. "Hey!" He smiled and took a sip of water. "What were you guys talking about?" "So remember when Akuno texted me saying we were going to talk on Friday? Well it was actually Kuroo texting me." He sighed with relief and jolted up. "Wait, how did he get you number?" You shrugged. Ukai huddled up with the boys and Noya jogged over to the rest of the team.
During the game, Noya would glance at you after he made an amazing receive, smiling brightly at you just for you to smile and nod, letting him know you did see him. Nekoma ended up winning, however the way Karasuno acted was as if it wasn't a big deal. Some of the boys would talk to the the boys from Nekoma without being mad at themselves that they lost. It was really nice to see the boys get along and not beat themselves up about the game. You handed Noya his water. "That was amazing!" He smiled. "Thanks! Did you see that move when I went bam! Then I got the ball all the way to the guy in the back!" You giggled and nodded while he jumped up and down gushing about how well he did. Everyone grabbed their things and started walking onto the bus. Nishinoya went to go talk with some of the guys so while you were alone, Kuroo jogged up to you. "Hey." You stopped and waited for him to catch up. "Oh, hi." He brushed his jet black hens head with his fingers. "Nice you you to come to the game." "Yeah I was planning to go even if Akuno was the one that texted me." You realized that you said his name and you covered your mouth. His eyes widened. "Wait, your ex is Akuno Warugi?!" You covered his mouth with your hand. Which honestly was kinda hard since he's so tall.
~~~BACK TO TANAKA AND NOYA~~~ Tanaka glanced at you and Kuroo and tapped Noya's shoulder. "Is that (y/n) with Kuroo, the third year?" Nishinoya noticed you both talking. "It's cool, he's probably just talking to her about the game or something." Tanaka sighed. "Bro when a guy like Kuroo is talking to a girl, it ain't about his volleyball game." Nishinoya thought to himself for a moment then responded. "What do you think they're talking about?" Tanaka deepened his voice and voiced over to what he thought you and Kuroo were taking about. "(Y/n) I'm in love with you go out with me!" Nishinoya shoved Tanaka and he laughed in response. "Pft shut up, he is not confessing his love for her." He sees you covering your mouth then covering his. Noya walks over to you both and wraps his arm around you. "Yeah, see you around Kuroo!" You look at Noya a bit shaken up from his surprise entrance. Kuroo waves to both of you. "Alright, I guess we'll see each other next game." He walks away and Noya scoffs. You sat next to him on the bus and Noya plops down next to you with his arms crossed. You rolls your eyes and whined. "What are you mad? I didn't do anything! You were so happy." You pouted and him looked at the bus window. You laid your head on his shoulder and sighed. "He didn't kiss me if that's why you're upset. I would never let anyone kiss me if it wasn't you." He turned to you and sighed. "I just..." his voice turned into a whisper. "I get so worried that someone will try and take you away from me. You're extremely pretty and funny, so many guys would kill-" He was cut off by a passionate kiss you gave him. You pulled away slowly and looked deeply in his eyes. "Nobody is going to take me away from you."

Nishinoya x Reader Book 2Where stories live. Discover now