Wheres The Bright Side?

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Once everyone had finished eating, Mr.Warugi calls over a servant. "Bring me the papers from my bedrooms and the special box." The servant nods and leaves. You quickly glance at Akuno. "Special box? What the hell could he mean?!" In no time, the servant came back with a small black box in his hand. He whispers something in Mr.Warugi's ear. "Ah no matter. We'll fix that later." Your phone buzzed with an incoming call from Nishinoya. You slowly got up. "May I use your bathroom?" Mr.Warugi nods. "Down the hall to your left." You walk to the bathroom, locking the door behind you and answer. "Yes?" "How's everything?" "We just finished dinner and we were able to rip up the papers. "Awesome! How you holding up?" "I'm uh good I guess?" "Text me if you need anything Kay?" "I will. I gotta go, love you." "Love you too." The call ends and you walk back to the dinning hall. Akuno looks at you with defeat in his eyes your face was puzzled. Akuno gets down on one knee. You started backing up. "W-what are you?" "Marry me (y/n) ." You glance at your parents who did not smile with joy but with force. You slowly nod with a fake smile on your face. This was wrong. It felt so wrong to get engaged to him but your life and your family's life was on the line. You looked at the ring, it had a big green emerald on it. Similar to the color of Akuno's eyes. Mr. Warugi smiles. "This is a day of celebration! We shall immediately plan the weeding! I was thinking of a May wedding, what do you think bride to be?!" You nod. "Wonderful! We'll discuss further details with your parents. Just enjoy yourselves!" He gets up and leaves with your parents . You glance at your mom with tears in your eyes and she looks at you with a throbbing heart. She wish she could run over and hug you but Mr.Warugi called for her to help him with preparations. You glare at Akuno in the empty dining hall. He gets up from his seat. "You have to understand I was trying to prevent this..." It pained you to admit he was trying. "It's just...that was our one chance!" He sighed heavily. It was true, it was the only chance but he knew neither of you should give up. "The servants might be watching us, let's go in the garden." You walk into the garden with him and sit on the bench. "What am I going to do?!" He lightly patted you on the back and you swatted his hand away. "Don't touch me..." He sits down next to you looking up at the sky. "You want my coat?" You glare at him and he looks back at the sky. "Take that as a no. I know you want nothing to do with me, but can you at least accept the fact that I tried to help prevent this marriage? I was trying to take you down those stairs because that's where he had the ring. I wanted to get rid of it before dinner but it was too late. When you left to the bathroom my father told me to propose in front of him. I had to...I'm sorry." You felt the tears bottle up in your eyes. "I hate this, I just can't get married to you." He runs his hands through his hair. "Would you marry me if I didn't make that choice of do that to you?" You looked at him shocked that he would even ask that. "No I still wouldn't because I can't love you, I love Nishinoya and you know that." He twiddles with the ring on his finger. "I think we can still get out of this marriage." You glance at him annoyed. "Another scheme?" "This one will work. What if we pretend to be a happy couple and then get into a big fight then call off the wedding?" "If I were to get into a fight with you who know what your dad will do with my family?" Akuno pauses. "Oh yeah...well what if I say I'm in love with another girl and I wanna marry them instead?" "Yeah just put another girl in my situation and suffer that would be a great solution." He could sense your sarcasm. "At least I'm trying to think of ideas, what do you have?" "What if we just get the police to arrest your father? Like we expose his illegal weapon selling and boom he's in jail no more marriage." "Do you know how a mafia leader works? Even if he were to be out in jail he would still have connections with other underground mafias and your parents would be in jail too." "Shit...good point." You rub your hand over your face. "God it's like there's no way out..." "(y/n) what if we can't...get out. And we're stuck?" You glare at him. "You just love that idea don't you? Me being your wife. Tending to all your fucking needs. Having you fuck my brains out? God you are such an asshole." He sits there quietly with a blush across his face. "Fucking your brains out?" You roll your eyes. "Oh shut up." He lets a small smile escape from his lips then it quickly fades away. "Have you ever...did it with him?" You cross your arms. "Why do you want to know?" He shrugs. "My mom told me when I was little that when a man and woman make love, it's because they want the others love to consume them or something like that. Kinda like they become one." "Akuno...that's kinda gross. Why was she explaining it like that? But..yeah...we have." He chuckled after you told him it he story was kinda gross. He leaned close to your face. "Was he good?" You push his face away from you. "Ew don't ask that!" He laughs at your response and you laughed a little too.

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