Sneaking Out

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~~~STILL IN NOYA'S POV~~~ I sighed heavily. "Ill never understand your parents." She giggled. "You don't have to, but hopefully Akuno actually has a plan that will work to get me out of this mess." Whenever she says his name I get this stinging feeling in my heart. How can she say his name so easily without the memory of what he's done to her? It's not that I think she likes him, I know she loves me. She waved her hand in my face. "Hello? You spaced out for a minute." She giggled and so did I. "Yeah it was nothing. I was just thinking about meeting up with him." She kissed my cheek. "Well don't worry about that now, focus on this right now." She snuggled up on my chest and our heart connected again.
~~~AUTHOR'S POV~~~ Around seven, almost eight o'clock, Asahi called you and said your parents were coming home soon. You grabbed your jacket and walked with Noya kissed him goodbye at your front door, telling him you'd see him later tonight. You started your homework and your parents came home about 20 minutes minutes after you got there. Since they came home late, it was leftover night. You told your parents you had a lot of homework and that you needed to eat in your room. They let you go upstairs and you ended up finishing up your homework at 10. Your mother knocked on your door and let herself in. "Hey sweetie, I know you don't want to go Saturday. Trust me if we could do something about this arranged marriage we would have done it already." She sat on your bed smiling at you sweetly. "Oh and make sure to shower and get some sleep ok? Goodnight I love you." You nodded and said goodnight back. She left and went to bed. You took a quick shower and threw on sweats and a sweatshirt. It was 10:50 already and you decided to start walking to the park now. It was super cold out but you didn't bring a jacket, you figured the sweatshirt was enough but it wasn't. You brushed off the snow on the bench and sat there shaking a bit. In the distance you saw Akuno walking towards you wearing a black jacket and grey sweats. He sat across from you in the bench. He spoke first. "I see you're here early too." You look up at him. "Yeah, so what were you going to tell me?" He shifted uncomfortably. "Well you know the meeting that's coming up with my father? I was planning-" "Shit I'm late! Hey!" Nishinoya said jogging over to you and standing behind you, glaring at Akuno. "O-oh, Noya I see you came too." Nishinoya rolls his eyes. "Of course I came. I wouldn't leave her alone with you." Akuno sighed. "Yeah, understandable." Nishinoya sits nexts to you and wraps his arm around you. "So, what's your plan?" Akuno shifts uncomfortably again. "Well since (y/n) has to come to my house this weekend to discuss the marriage, I figured that we stand up against my father and tell him that we can't be together. Knowing that he'd probably threaten us, I have already planned a way for you and your parents to get out safely."
You glanced at Noya who was thinking intensely. "I think this is actually a good idea, as long as we make it out of there ok." Nishinoya eyes widened and looked at you. "Isn't this super dangerous and risky?! How do you know that he will get you out safely?!" Akuno interrupted. "All I would have to do-" Nishinoya glared at him. "We're talking right now, stay out of it." Akuno threw his hands up in the air. "I'm the one who wanted to say something!" Nishinoya rolled his eyes. "I don't trust you, I never will. That's why I just decided that I'm going with you (y/n)." You looked at Nishinoya with worry in your eyes. "No you cant go! What if you get hurt?!" Nishinoya held both your hands. "I'll be alright. I already took a bullet for you right?" You nodded. It would now be harder to try and get him not to do something he already got his mind set on. Akuno stood up. "So the plans set then? I'll see you soon (y/n)." He walked away and Noya shouted "Ill be there too dammit!" Nishinoya and you both got up. "You want me to walk you home?" You nodded and he held your hand. It was warm, surprisingly, because it was freezing outside. The snow crunched beneath your feet as you both walked home. Nishinoya held your hand a little tighter. "I can't stand him! The way he acted like I wasn't there?! Tch." You laid your head on his shoulder and look up at him. "Noya, don't let him get to you. You should stop focusing on what he did and instead, focus on us right now." You turned toward him and kissed him passionately, cupping his cheeks. You pulled away and smiled. His face was speechless. "Thanks, I needed that." His face was a light shade of pink he waved goodbye and walked home. You took out the ladder from the side of the house and climbed to your window. Then you realized something. The window was locked and you would be stuck outside until you found another way in. All the windows downstairs were locked too. Then, you looked up at Asahi's window and saw that it was unlocked. You laid the ladder on the wall and climbed up. Asahi was knocked out in bed and you attempted to quietly open the window. You climbed in and a huge cold breeze came in and Asahi groaned in his sleep. You sighed with relief and shut the window. Asahi rubs his eyes and yawns. "(Y-y/n)?! What are you doing in my room?" You stayed quiet and tried to quickly come up with a good answer.

Nishinoya x Reader Book 2Where stories live. Discover now