Finding Courage

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Akuno followed his father out of the room. "Father what are you planning to do?!" He scoffs in response. "Nothing. I just need to take care of him." Akuno grabbed his wrist. "Father please! No killing before the wedding right? Isn't there another option?!" Mr.Warugi sighs heavily. "Well, I do have an idea..."
~~~MONDAY~~~ it was now Monday, it was still dark out in the early morning which made waking up harder. You groggily get up to the sound of your alarm clock and got dressed. In the bathroom Asahi was there and was able to get his hair in a slightly mess low bun. You do your hair and Asahi goes downstairs to grab his bag. When you were alone in the bathroom, you looked at the ring and took it off. No need for questions at school right? You put it in your night stand and walked downstairs. Couple minutes later, and you two were out the door. On your way to school, Noya joined your walk with Asahi to school. "Morning you two." Asahi and you say morning back in unison. Nishinoya glanced at your hands looking for the ring but it wasn't on your hand. "Psst. Where's the ring?" You look at Noya and whisper back "I took it off." Nishinoya nods in understanding why and he was glad that he didn't have to see another guy's ring on your finger.
~~~TIME SKIP TO CLASS~~~ While walking to your class you noticed Suga in the hall you went up to him but realized he wasn't himself. "Hey Suga!" He plasters a fake smile. "Oh hey (y/n)." Your face was puzzled. "Everything ok?" He nods. "Yeah I just gotta get to class." You grabs his wrist before he walked away. "Suga, you gotta tell me if something is wrong." "I will. I'm just tired ok. Besides, aren't I the one that's supposed to care about your health?" He chuckled and waved goodbye. Maybe he just was tired but it wasn't like Suga to seem so...depressed. The bell rang and you completely forgot about how mad your teacher was going to be when you were late.
~~~TIME SKIP TO LUNCH~~~ The whole Suga thing seemed to bother you. He's usually so bright and cheery. You sat down at the lunch table and Suga and Daichi weren't sitting next to each other. They were at the opposite ends of the table. They must've had a fight but it wasn't your business so you stayed out of it. The table was sort of quiet and less cheery without the two third years making jokes and keeping the other boys in check. You told Suga to meet you in the hallway. Something was clearly wrong and you felt it was best to help. "Tell me what's wrong. I can tell what's going on." Suga crossed his arms and looked away. "It's nothing alright?" You rolled your eyes. "It's clear somethings up now just tell me." Suga sighs and looks at you. "Me and Daichi...broke up." Your eyes widened. "What?! How?!" Suga ran his fingers through his hair. "Well we sorta got caught and he didn't confess to his parents that he was gay and made up this fake girlfriend. So I told him that if he can't come out we're done." You saw the look of sadness in Suga's eyes. "I can't imagine how hard it is to come out to your parents...but I bet it's hard. It's probably hard for Daichi too. I agree that the whole fake girlfriend thing was dumb but I think it's best if you really try and talk to him about it." Suga rolled his eyes. "There's nothing to talk to him about." You playfully pushed his arm. "Come on, don't be so stubborn. Just talk with him before practice. Promise me." You held out your pinkie and he held out his too. "Fine, I promise." You both pinkie promised and went back to lunch.
~~~SUGA'S POV~~~ Seeing his face made me so hurt inside. I still couldn't believe he lied about me. (Y/n) says I should talk to him but I don't even think I could say hi to him with balling out in tears. He hasn't talked to me all day but it's not like I wanted him to talk to me normally either. I guess (y/n) does have a point though, talk to him so I'm less tense.
After school, I headed to the locker room and went to change for practice. Of course the universe just had to make me and Daichi the only ones in the locker room. I put down my bag and for the first time I was slightly hesitant to take off my shirt. I quickly glanced at him and he took of his shirt and looked in his locker for his practice clothes. Despite his toned body wanting to have my eyes on it, I look away. At this point he's teasing me.
~~~DAICHI'S POV~~~ (y/n) came up to me earlier and to me I should talk to Suga because we seemed on edge today. Suga must've told her what had happened. Makes sense though, they're so close with each other. In the corner of my eye I see Suga taking off his shirt with a look of sadness in him. I finally then found the courage to speak to him. "Hey uh Suga..." he looks up at me then fixes his eyes upon his locker as he gets dressed. "What is it Daichi?" I began to choke up. Why was I so nervous? "I-I wanted to apologize...for everything." He looks up at me and crosses his arms. "What specifically?" I sigh. "For not telling my parents... they're not as easy to talk to about this." Suga rolled his eyes. "Yeah well my talk wasn't a walk in the park you know? There was tears and confusion, a little disapproval but they were glad I told them. So don't just give the excuse that you're scared, everyone is scared to have that conversation but it's important to be real with them. How long can you really put up this act for Daichi?" Before I knew it, Suga slammed his locker shut and left the locker room.
Hi everyone! Sorry for being inactive...again, I'm taking APs this year so I had a long ass summer assignment and I'm starting school this week but I'll try and fit more chapters after practice. (Yeah cause ur girl does sports😌) This chapter about trying to come out to your parents is a slightly touchy topic for me bc I haven't even come out to my parents about being pansexual so It's hard to write about the experience. (Tbh 97% of this story I haven't experienced in my life yet either lol) Anyways, see ya later :)

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