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That night, Daichi got up and grabbed the skirt. He quietly snuck out the house and jogged over to Suga's which wasn't that far. He hopped over the back fence and threw pebbles at Suga's window. With the knocking at the window, he glanced down at Daichi. Suga's eyes were red and puffy he lifted up his window. "Go away." Daichi shook his head. "I'm not leaving. I want to explain myself." Suga rolled his eyes. "I don't want to hear it. Besides there's nothing to explain. You don't want to come out to your parents then I guess our relationship means nothing." Daichi started to tear up. "Don't say that! I love you! I've loved you since we were first years! My feelings for you grow everyday!" Suga clenched his fists. "If you loved me you'd come out to your parents! I hate feelings like I'm shaming you! Just...go." He slowly shut the window and Daichi fell to his knees sobbing. He was so stressed from carrying that guilt about not telling his parents that he finally let it out in tears. Suga quickly lifted up his window. Daichi looked up hoping he would forgive him. Suga sniffled. "Get out, my parents will hear you." Daichi takes the skirt out from his pocket and tossed it up to him. "Here Koshi..."  Suga caught the skirt and his heart sank as he watched Daichi go.
~~~BACK AT THE MANOR~~~ The car pulled up through the long driveway and Mr. Warugi saw it through his bedroom window. "Akuno!" His son walked in. "Yes father?" "Are you ready? Your future wife is here!" Akuno placed a small smile on his face. "Yes she is." The two heading down the spiral stairs and welcomed you and your parents in. "Ah wonderful! So glad you three could make it. (Y/n) looking lovely tonight, right Akuno?" He nudges his arm and Akuno nods. You cleared your throat. "Is dinner ready?" You were dying to have this dinner over with and Mr Warugi chuckled. "Ah (y/n) so lively! It is not; however, you two lover birds can go explore the manor. Your parents and I will talk about the marriage then after dinner we'll sign some papers and have a beautiful spring wedding." Your parents put on a fake smile. "Sweetie your father and I will see you at dinner, text me if you need anything." Warugi escorts your parents to his home office and Akuno smiles awkwardly. "So where shall we head to first?" You glared at him. "I'm not here for a tour. You had a plan didn't you?" He nods, "Follow me." You followed him upstairs to his father's bedroom. On his night stand, the marriage papers were there. Akuno handed them to you. "Do what you want with them." You walked over toward the fireplace and threw them in, watching those papers slowly burn away.  "Won't he just print up more?" Akuno shakes his head. "It wasn't just this. This is just a part of the plan." You look at him puzzled and he calls you over to follow him. "Where are we going?" "Shush!" He covers your mouth and you try screaming and pulling him of you. He sighs. "I'm not doing that! I thought I heard someone." He takes his hand of your mouth and you slap him right across the face. "Ow! What the-" "You know very well why I did that! Don't put your hands on me ever!" He sighed again and apologized. You rolled your eyes in response. "Are you gonna tell me where we're going or not?" He glared at you. "Jeez will you shut it? My dad probably sent someone to follow us. Remember the last time we were alone?" You groaned. "Gross. Don't make it sound like we did anything like that."
In Mr. Warugi's home office, he sat your parents down across from his desk. "I have a couple of questions for you both. Did you end up taking care of the boy?" Your father nodded. "I have successfully separated them." Mr.Warugi smiles. "Perfect. I'm sure your daughter understands her duty as my sons wife?" Your mother steps in. "Well what do you mean exactly?" He rolls his eyes. "I'm talking about keeping her mouth shut with the family business, no need to have a leak with our company." She nods. Just before they went into detail about the wedding, a servant came in. "Mr Warugi sir?" He looks up and glares. "What is it?" "Well um it's about the couple, I've lost them..." Mr Warugi gets out of his desk and into the hallway with the servant. "The hell do you mean you lost them?!" "I'm sorry sir I lost track of them with setting up the dinner and finding them. "They cannot enter that room! Find them and keep your eye on them! Or I'll find someone else to do it!" The serve the nods and goes to find you both.
Akuno opened a door with old wooden stairs. "Follow me." You got the knot feeling in your stomach. Something wasn't right. "What? No I'm not going there." He rolls his eyes, come on. I'm not going to do anything." You cross your arms. "I'm sorry do you not realize how sketchy this is? Especially with you?!" "Oh...sorry." The servant finds you both. "Master Akuno, (y/n), dinner is ready." Akuno shuts the door. "Ah, thank you." "Can't have our guest sneaking around correct? Master Akuno?" He nods and the servant locks the door. He walks you both to the dinning hall where his father and your parents were already sitting down. You sit next to Akuno. Mr.Warugi smiles. "You two has fun looking around?" You both nodded and he sighs. "You two are going to be a wonderful couple." You clench your fists under the table. The other servants hand out the food and you all began to eat. The food was actually delicious despite wanting to vomit knowing you were supposed to get married to Akuno

Nishinoya x Reader Book 2Where stories live. Discover now