In Need of a Miracle

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Nishinoya smiled and nudged your shoulder. "Hey we got a quiz in (class) tomorrow, wanna study at my place after practice?" You smiled back at him then went to grab your phone. "I'll text my mom if I can, but definitely." The excitement was quickly interrupted by the tension between Suga and Daichi. Despite making "coming out" dinner plans, the table still felt awkward when the two were together. It was obvious that Suga was still hurt but for Daichi, he was desperately trying to make Suga smile.
~~~SUGA'S POV~~~ Everything was just so awkward when we would talk with each other. The whole table knew it too, you could feel it. He tried making terrible jokes but I wasn't budging. I can't laugh at them because it just brings me back to the memories of when we were together. I cant believe he had to love me in the shadows because he was too scared to admit he loves me...or loved me anyways. I sat next to Asahi this time and I could feel (y/n) looking at me with confusion. I didn't want to tell anyone, even her. I pretended that I didn't see her puzzled expression and just continued to sit quietly.

~~~AUTHOR'S POV~~~ You knew something had to be up with Suga and Daichi judging the way they would look at each other. There was no doubt that the two must have gotten into an argument. It's happened plenty of times before but none of those times were kept a secret from you. Once lunch was over, you texted Suga just to reassure him that you're hear if he wanted to talk. He texted back "thanks" and you both left it at that. 

The day continued and your thoughts kept lingering to how to get out of this arranged marriage. You thought to yourself "maybe if I could convince his father that I want to push the wedding back a year so I could graduate...I would be able to at least give myself more time to-". Your train of thought was then disrupted by your teacher. "(y/n)? Are you still hear with us?" Shit. You were not paying any attention. "Um, yeah... I'm sorry." Your teacher nodded and continue teaching the class. Time passed and soon enough, you were in your last class of the day itching for the bell to ring and to race out of there to see Noya and see if he had any ideas about getting out of the wedding. The bell rung and you quickly packed your things and headed to the gym and saw Daichi trying to talk to Suga. "Can we still be allowed to talk to each other in public? You were shutting me out during lunch." Suga took a deep breath. "I just can't get over the fact that you would lie to them." Before Suga walked off to the locker room, Daichi grabbed Suga's hand and looked at him with his eyes full of regret. "I promise I'll tell them and we won't have to sneak around anymore. Now, can we please continue talking to each other... normally? I don't think I can take another day of Ukai pressuring our asses." The two laughed and Suga nodded "Yeah, I think we can do that". You then entered the gym pretending as if you didn't hear them at all. "Oh hey guys didn't see you there." Daichi walked off to the locker room and Suga crossed his arms and shook his head. "Tsk Tsk, miss (y/n) snooping like that. ah don't lie I saw you." You let out an awkward laugh. "Yeah I'm sorry I just overheard you and I didn't want to bother you two but, I mean you weren't telling me anything and I wanted to make sure you were okay." Suga let out a sigh and smiled. "Girl, what are we going to do about you huh?". You laughed and then stepped away to answer your phone. It was an unknown number, you thought to yourself "must be Akuno...". "Who is this?" The person on the other line took a deep breathe. "It's Akuno... I can't talk too long right now but I wanted to see if you thought of anything." "In the last 24 hours...not really. Well, what if I ask to push the wedding until I graduate?" Akuno paused and thought about what his father might say. "Wait... you're a second year right?" "Yeah." "I don't think he would wait that long if I'm being honest. might work. I'll try and bring that idea up with him." It wasn't a perfect plan or even a plan at all but it was something. "Alright, so then text me what happens." "Will do." You ended the call and let out a sigh. "It will work out...right?"

The boy's practice began and you sat on the bleachers thinking more and more. "A lot on your mind there (y/n)?" It was Kiyoko smiling at you with Yaichi next to her. You quickly changed your expression and smiled. "Yeah I'm good just thinking." Yaichi and Kiyoko took a seat next to you. "Like about school?" Yaichi asked innocently. "No."  You wished you could say. Instead, you responded with "Yeah I have this teacher who is on my ass about this assignment." The three of you laughed and continued to talk about school in general. It was times like these where you really wished school and boys were the only thing you had to worry about. 

At the end of practice, coach Ukai ordered Kageyama and Hinata to clean up and close the gym. Daichi shook his head. "Last time we had those two close up the gym we had to separate them from fighting." The two first years tried to defend themselves to which Tsuki sneered at them. "Are you two idiots? I mean do you actually want to clean up the gym? He's actively trying to get you out of lock up duty." Hinata glared at him. "I'm not an idiot...but if lock up is part of my duty as a player then-" Coach Ukai cut him off. "Alright, alright. Please stop talking. I don't wanna hear another word of you kissing my ass. Alright uh.." He looks around at the group, thinking of who hasn't cleaned up and locked the gym. "Ah! Tsukishima and Yamaguchi! You both got lock up duty!" Kageyama let out a chuckle and Daichi slapped the back of his head. "You're next!"

~~~AUTHOR'S NOTE~~~ Hey everyone! I am back from a long ass break. If you read my message on my board, I basically wrote why I haven't posted and I really am sorry for leaving you guys on such a cliffhanger. I am going to continue this story and give it the ending it needs! (Much later of course) I'm happy to be back and I'm going to separate the paragraphs for now on so it's easier to read and comment. I love you all very much! 

Nishinoya x Reader Book 2Where stories live. Discover now