We Need Time

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While the boys packed their things, Nishinoya stood by the door with his bag, waiting for you. You told Asahi you'd be walking home with Noya and he nodded. "Alright be careful, it's freezing out there you know." You kept walking toward the door. "Yeah I will!" Noya opened the door for you. "Miss (y/n)." You pretend to curtsy and the two of you laughed. Noya placed his hands in his pockets, he had forgotten his gloves. "So, have you thought of a plan?" You were looking at the ground as you gave your answer, fear of knowing you have no idea what to do. "I was thinking maybe I could convince his father to wait until I can graduate...just so I can have enough time to think of something better you know?" Noya took his eyes off you and looked at the sidewalk. "Yeah that sounds like a good idea. So how are you going to talk to his dad?" You looked at your phone checking if Akuno had texted you back. "I was actually talking to Akuno about it...he's gonna try and plant the idea in his head first before we actually talk to him." In the corner of his eye, Noya saw you looking at your phone. "You guys have been talking more and more on the phone?". You put the phone back in your pocket and looked at Noya. "Yes but strictly for plans about what to do. It's too dangerous to text him because his father might check his phone." Noya shook off his worries. "Yeah that's true." There was a long pause between you two until Noya stopped walking. You turn to see him stopped in his tracks. "Is everything okay?" He looks up at you. "I was going to ask you the same thing actually." You both continued walking. "I haven't been asked that in awhile." He puts out his hand for you to hold. "Well then I guess that's on me for not asking." He smiled and you smiled back. "I'm struggling but I'll get through it. I'll figure something out." He corrected you "No...we will figure something out." The two of you stopped in front of your house. "I'll call you later." You let go of his hand and kissed his cheek. 

Your mother was sitting at the kitchen table with papers scattered across the table. Her hand was placed on her temple while the other had a blue pen. Her face was scanning and thinking. If you were to speak now she probably wouldn't even hear you, but you did anyways. "Hey, I'm home." She waved the hand with the pen and mumbled something under her breath. Most likely a "Hi, I'm busy right now." You took off your shoes and placed your bag up in your room. Your dad wasn't home which meant he was coming home for work or still talking with Akuno's father. The front door opened and you heard Asahi's voice greeting your mother. Soon enough, he came up the stairs and leaned on your door frame. "Is everything alright with mom? She seems..." You took off your school blazer. "Stressed?" He laughed. "Yeah, what's that all about?" You hung up your blazer then sat on your bed. "Work maybe...or bills. All I know is that it doesn't seem like  dinner will be on the table tonight." He fixed his posture. "I don't mind cooking if she needs help." You stood up. "I'll help you cook, it'll be like old times." 

Back in the day when your parents would stay out late, Asahi was about 12 and he would cook dinner for the two of you. It was times like those were you wished you could go back to. The simplicity of cooking with your sibling, the parents being away, and just basking in independence. Asahi shook his head. "No, I got it. You go fix up those grades of yours." You crossed your arms. "What? First of all, not your business. Secondly, My grades are fine thank you very much." Asahi backed away from the door. "No yeah totally..." It was true... you should have been working on your assignments but getting out of that marriage seemed more important. You sprawled out on your bed, tired and drained. There had been just too many things going on and you needed to clear your head. 

About 5 minutes later, your mother knocked softly on your door and let herself in. "Hey sweetheart, you got a minute?" You opened your eyes and nodded. She sat on your bed and brushed her fingers through your hair. "I'm doing everything I can you know." Her voice was soft and sincere. You sat up. "I've been thinking actually...what if we try and move the wedding until I graduate? Just so I can give us more time to think of something better?" Your mother started playing with her ring. It was clear she was nervous. "I don't know honey..." You laid back down on your bed. "I'm trying too you know. Ever since I found out about the marriage, all I've been doing is trying to find someway to get out of it." She looks back at you and places her hand on your leg. "(y/n), just focus on school okay? I'll ask him and see what he says about pushing back the wedding." You shot up from your bed. "Really? You'll ask him? Thank you!" She hugged you then got off your bed. "Smells like Asahi is cooking something downstairs." You smiled. "Yeah, and by the smell, I'm guessing it's gonna be delicious." Your mom left the room with a small smile and you closed the door after she left. "If he pushes the wedding back a year, that would be plenty of time to come up with something." You laid on your bed and called Noya to tell him the news.

After he had dropped you off at your house, Nishinoya came home and was greeted by his mother with dinner on the table. "I'm home!" he shouts, as he places his bag on the floor and takes off his shoes. His mother walks over and kisses his cheek. "You're freezing! Did you even wear the scarf I bought you last year?!" He takes off his coat and hangs it on the rack. "No, sorry ma I forgot." She gestures him over to the table. "Come, I made dinner. If you don't eat now it will get cold!" He sits down across from her. Their table was small but since it was just the two of them, it didn't really matter. Usually they talked about how school was going or his upcoming volleyball game but today's dinner was a little more quiet than usual. His mother finished chewing and spoke. "So, how's (y/n) doing?" last time we talked about her..." She trailed off but Nishinoya knew where she was heading. "Are you asking if I'm still with her? Cause I am. I know she's in that arranged marriage but we're working on getting out of it." She stays quiet for a bit and takes a sip of water. "Yuu, I don't want you getting involved in a situation that could put yourself in danger." He looked at her upset. "I'm not, I'm just trying to help. I can't just sit here and do nothing!" The table went quiet again and he continued to eat. She lets out a sigh. "I just want you to be careful, that's all. There's nothing wrong with helping, I know how much you love her."

Nishinoya x Reader Book 2Where stories live. Discover now