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"I was um...shutting your window, I can feel the breeze from my room." He squinted at you and he rolled his eyes. "Whatever just please don't scare me like that again." You nodded and went to your room. You were so tired that once your head hit the pillow, it was lights out. (Ok if any of u watch Voltron that's a line that Keith says, uwu I love him)
~~~NEXT MORNING~~~ Asahi called out your name telling you to get up. Usually it was your mother but your parents left early for work. You went to the bathroom to do your hair. Asahi glanced at you then continued to do his hair. "Why were you up so late last night?" You looked at him then looked in the mirror. "I was cold remember? Your window was open and I went to close it." His face was still puzzled, he knew something was up. "Were you at Noya's?" Your face was red. "No?! Why do you assume that? I was home and I went to close your window ok?" He sighed. "I didn't mean to get you upset I just thought you were at his house. If you were there just give me a heads up next time so if mom or dad where to ask me where you were I could cover for you." "Thanks." You both left the house and walked to school. Nishinoya ran behind you and ruffled your hair. "Noya! My hair!" You whined and ruffled his hair back. He gasped dramatically and chased you. Asahi started laughing and you both stopped abruptly. "Sorry it's just you guys remind me of when we were in middle school." Nishinoya made a face which made you break into a laugh as well.  You attempted fixing you hair before you walked in and so did Noya. It wouldn't be the way you had it in the morning but it was the best you could do.
The rest of the school day was normal as it usually was, though the thought of Akuno's plan would occasionally enter you mind. It just didn't feel full proof at all. There were no details whatsoever. During lunch Nishinoya could tell you were wandering off in your mind worrying yourself. He put his hand on your thigh then held your hand. Your worries slowly melted away and you smiled at him.
~~~TIME SKIP TO PRACTICE~~~ You walked down the hallway on your phone and a random numbers texts you. You assumed it was Akuno.
Unknown: You going on Friday?
Y/n: isn't it Saturday?
Unknown: Nope definitely Friday
Y/n: You changed the date?
Unknown: it's been Friday, Noya didn't tell you?
Y/n: Noya isn't going, just me and my parents
Unknown: Why isn't he going?
Y/n: wdym? I thought it was only us meeting together
Unknown: you just want to meet with me? Like afterwards?
Y/n: we're meeting when we get there. We have to talk about the whole thing right?
Unknown: what whole thing?
Y/n: Why are u playing dumb, you know what I'm talking about.
Unknown: uh not really but uh I'll see you on Friday then
Y/n: yeah see you on Friday
"Why is Akuno playing dumb? Why would he change the meeting to Friday?" When you walked in the gym, the boys already began practice. Coach Ukai made an announcement. "We have an upcoming match with Nekoma this Friday so make sure we're practicing extra hard." He then let the boys go off and continue practicing. It then clicked in your head that you would miss Noya's game because Akuno changed the date of the meeting. You knew he probably did this on purpose just so Noya wouldn't try and go to protect you.
After practice, you walked with Noya to your house and told him what Akuno was texting you. Nishinoya had the exact reaction. "Ugh! He makes no sense! Why does he try to help us be together and then pull shit like this?!" You squeezed his hand tight. "Sorry that I'm missing your game. I really wanted to go. I love seeing you play." He smiled and you smile back sweetly. "I love seeing you in the corner of my eye cheering me on! I've got like my own personal cheer leader! The cutest one at that." He pokes your nose and you blush. He dropped you off and gave you a kiss goodbye. Surprisingly, your mother was already home making dinner. "Ah wonderful you're home! Your father is working late this time so I decided to head home early. It was only a one person job only." Asahi was already upstairs so you asked your mom if they changed the date for the meeting. "Nope it's still on Saturday." Your face was puzzled. "But he texted me that it was Friday?" "Well I know it's not Friday because we have a big job that day, speaking of which, me and your father will be home around 11." You thought to yourself for a minute. "This means that he was just trying to get me alone with him knowing that Noya wouldn't be there to protect me. That liar! He probably wasn't even going to help me with the arrange marriage meeting." It was clear that you stopped paying attention to your mother rambling about her day and she waved her hand in your face grabbing your attention. "Honey! I was saying dinner was ready and I need you to help set up the table." You started setting the table. "S-sorry I was lost in my thoughts." She smiled sweetly. "I understand, but just go to Asahi's game, I don't want you here alone by yourself." You nodded and called Asahi down for dinner.
After dinner, you washed the dishes as Asahi and your mother got ready for bed. You managed to finish your homework by around 10. Once you got out the shower, you crashed onto your comfy bed and fell asleep.

Nishinoya x Reader Book 2Where stories live. Discover now